90年代舞曲采样包 F9 Origins Classic House Akai MPC Expansion XPN 暂无演示

90年代舞曲采样包 F9 Origins Classic House Akai MPC Expansion XPN

¥8.8 金币
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  • Akai MPC Expansion XPN | 2.86GB


    使用MPC格式的F9 Origins扩展,让自己沉浸在90年代俱乐部文化的朦胧氛围中。

    这个精心策划的系列囊括了定义舞蹈音乐时代的标志性声音,为现代制作人提供了新鲜的服务。 我们成功地装瓶了充满活力的节奏、脉动的节拍以及令人难忘的早期数字和模拟音调,这些音调使90年代的俱乐部场景与众不同。 体验过去几十年的怀旧之情,为您的当代作品注入经典浩室音乐的持久能量。

    在Origins采样之旅中,我们回到了正宗的硬件合成器、鼓机和FX处理器,这些合成器赋予了90年代浩室音乐独特而强大的声学身份。 这种真实性赋予了该包无与伦比的优势,体现了键盘、合成器和低音声音的实质性身体、强度和活力,将经典的浩室音乐推向全球夜总会和无线电广播。

    作为完全可玩的MPC密钥组乐器、套件和菜单,适用于运行MPC 2.11或更高版本以及Akai Force V3.2或更高版本的MPC软件和硬件版本。

    4Gb+ MPC扩展
    142 完全可玩的 MPC 键组乐器
    所有 Patch、套件、菜单和套件序列的音频预览


    使用17个特殊的MPC鼓套件探索经典的房屋时代。 圆形知更鸟808和909套件与707和727套件的12位精华相结合,在早期底特律和芝加哥的房子中引起共鸣。 我们的复古采样器,包括MPC 3000、SP1200和机架式经典,为这些套件提供了时代的真实声音。

    13 Drum和Sound FX菜单结束了节奏部分,为每个补丁提供了丰富的配音和灵感。

    F9 Origins钢琴和按键补丁

    我们的五个著名的家用钢琴补丁通过MPC Keygroup引擎闪耀着光芒,完美融合了咬合和活力。 此外,我们广泛的23个关键补丁涵盖了所有基本元素——包括经典的90年代ROMpler、模拟和FM声音。 体验丰富的挂毯,从闪闪发光的按键、令人难以忘怀的男中音萨克斯、不眠的Pizz引线到触手可及的经典8位声带。

    F9 Origins低音补丁

    我们的包有28个独特的经典低音补丁,深入挖掘先驱者使用的受人尊敬的合成器。 我们可以用固体和最近这个词来描述2个非常著名的补丁低音,这些低音与3Osc经典和Polysynth主食一起生活,循环303补丁添加了香料。

    F9 Origins合成器补丁

    这个包的灵魂在于它的37个合成器补丁。 我们重现了法国之吻的标志性刺伤和黄铜,一个非常著名的黑社会朱诺补丁,以及MS-20的咆哮线索,提供黑桃放克。 由于细致的多采样和MPC的力量,这些补丁将怀旧与21世纪的超音速相结合。

    F9 Origins刺伤和字符串补丁

    我们的15个刺补丁让人想起拥挤的仓库在浩室音乐的节拍下跳动的记忆。 该系列包括剪辑、和弦、合成器闪光和钢琴块的经典样本。其中包含的10个弦乐补丁为您的经典倾向作品提供旋律,包括断奏敲击和12位垫。 这些补丁可以对快乐的旋律序列产生喜怒无常的分解。 这些刺痛是终生的。


    该包的9个风琴补丁可以产生旋律节奏和弦,巨大的主房间咬合板。 我们必须向你表达爱意。 15个垫子补丁完成了这个扩展的MPC扩展,提供了从早期芝加哥风格的垫子到奢华的数字工作站垫的音调,包括经典的“滑动”补丁。 确实是永恒的声音。


    主要音频演示是用MPC的F9 Origins声音创建的(每个鼓声、乐器和FX / One镜头)。

    MPC Expansion XPN | AudioZ Exclusive | 2.86 GB

    Immerse yourself in the hazy aura of 90s club culture with the F9 Origins expansion, available in MPC format.

    This carefully curated collection encapsulates the iconic sound that defined an era of dance music, serving it fresh for modern producers. We’ve successfully bottled the vibrant rhythms, pulsating beats, and memorable early-digital and analog tones that set the 90s club scene apart. Experience the nostalgia of past decades and inject your contemporary production with the enduring energy of classic house music.

    For the Origins sampling journey, we returned to the authentic hardware synths, drum machines, and FX processors that gave 90s house music its unique and potent sonic identity. This authenticity endows the pack with an unparalleled advantage, embodying the substantial body, intensity, and vigor of the keyboard, synth, and bass sounds that propelled classic house music onto global nightclubs and radio airwaves.

    Available as fully playable MPC Keygroup instruments, kits, and menus for MPC software and hardware versions running MPC 2.11 or later, and Akai Force V3.2 or later.

    4Gb+ MPC Expansion
    142 Fully playable MPC Keygroup instruments
    17 Drum Kits
    13 Drum and FX menus
    Comprehensive set of Qlink macros for each patch/kit
    Audio previews for all patches, kits, menus, and kit sequences

    F9 Origins Kits + Drum Menus

    Explore the classic house era with 17 exceptional MPC drum kits. Round-robin 808 and 909 kits combine with the 12-bit essence of 707 and 727 kits, resonant in early Detroit and Chicago house. Our vintage samplers, including the MPC 3000, SP1200, and rackmount classics, give these kits the era’s authentic sound.

    13 Drum and Sound FX menus conclude the rhythm section, offering a wealth of sounds per patch for overdubs and inspiration.

    F9 Origins Pianos & Key Patches

    Our five renowned house piano patches shine brilliantly via the MPC Keygroup engine, offering a perfect blend of bite and vitality. Additionally, our broad collection of 23 key patches covers all essential elements – including classic 90s ROMpler, Analog, and FM sounds. Experience a rich tapestry of sounds from shimmering keys, haunting baritone saxes, sleepless Pizz leads, to classic 8-bit vocal leads right at your fingertips.

    F9 Origins Bass Patches

    Our pack features 28 distinctive classic bass patches, digging deep into the revered synths used by the pioneers. We could use the words solid and lately to describe 2 very famous patches basses and these live alongside 3Osc classics and Polysynth staples, with round-robin 303 patches adding spice.

    F9 Origins Synth Patches

    This pack’s soul lies in its 37 synth patches. We’ve recreated iconic stabs and brass from French Kiss,a very famous Juno patch from the underworld, and a growling lead from an MS-20 delivering da funk in spades. These patches marry nostalgia with 21st-century sonics, thanks to meticulous multisampling and the MPC’s power.

    F9 Origins Stabs and Strings Patches

    Our 15 stab patches recall memories of crowded warehouses pulsating to the beat of house music. This collection includes classic samples of clips, chords, synth blips, and piano chunks.The included 10 String patches lend melody to your classic-leaning productions, with staccato strikes and 12-bit pads. These patches can create moody breakdowns to joyous melodic sequences. These stings are for life.

    F9 Origins Organ and Pad Patches

    The pack’s 9 Organ patches can produce melodic rhythmic chords, Huge slabs of main room bite. We’ve got to show you love. 15 Pad Patches complete this expansive MPC expansion, providing tones from early Chicago style pads to lavish digital workstation pads, including a classic ‘Slippy’ patch. Timeless sounds indeed.

    Please note:

    The main audio demo was created with sounds F9 Origins for MPC ( every drum sound, instrument and FX / One shot ).
    Additional mixing, arranging and editing was applied to create the final demo.
    The midi information for the music you hear in the demos is not contained in this release.
    This product has been released previously at f9-audio.com


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