WAV | 30 MB
介绍一下至高无上的声音——来自MPC的鼓声,它们带给人一种永恒而奢华的感觉,融合了Kanye West和Pharrell Williams等早期作品中实现的声音和技巧,以及其他开创2000年代声音的先驱者。
Echelon Sounds Drums from the Mpc WAV
Introducing the Upper Echelon of Sounds – Drums from the MPC offer a timeless and luxurious feeling that encapsulates the sounds and techniques implemented by the early work of Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, and other visionaries that pioneer the sounds of the 2000s.
Every sound in this kit has been expertly curated and sampled from various drum break vinlys on to an Mpc2000xl, giving you the excat textures and feeling to create music that stands the test of time.
151 totals sounds
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