拉丁风/流行/嘻哈/雷鬼/旋律/鼓包/采样包 Cymatics Paradox 2 WAV MiDi 编曲音色 暂无演示

拉丁风/流行/嘻哈/雷鬼/旋律/鼓包/采样包 Cymatics Paradox 2 WAV MiDi 编曲音色

¥8.8 金币
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  • WAV | 2.55GB



    受 Bad Bunny、Anuel AA 等人启发而准备就绪的旋律循环包

    受 Bad Bunny 和 Anuel AA 等标志性艺术家的影响,我们在制作每一段旋律时,都力求捕捉拉丁音乐的核心和灵魂。





    这款音乐包涵盖了拉丁文化的原汁原味的鼓声,并以 Dancehall 和 Reggaeton 的独特节奏为特色。

    探索精心挑选的优质 KicksSnares、Rimshots、Hi-Hats 等音色,这些音色经过精心设计,可无缝融入拉丁次类型音乐的多样化景观中。


    受 Burna Boy、Drake 等人启发而准备好的安置旋律
    对于 PARADOX II 中的 Afrobeats 部分,我们的团队深入研究了这一流派中最重要的艺术家,从中寻找灵感。

    其中包括 Burna Boy、Drake 等大牌艺人,他们都是 Afrobeats 音乐流派的领军人物。


    用于制作深情 Afrobeats 的弹跳鼓循环
    这些环形鼓都是关于 Afrobeats 流派中的弹跳和节奏。


    将它们与旋律循环配对,即可轻松开始为 Burna Boy 或 Drake 等艺人创作适合的节拍。

    这些鼓声单曲让你可以从头开始制作自己的 Afrobeats 鼓声曲目。

    里面有清脆的 Kicks、Snares、Claps、Hihats、Cymbal 及更多,所有设计都符合 Afrobeats 风格的审美。

    您可以创建自己的 Afrobeats 风格节奏,也可以将它们用于任何流派,它们用途广泛,适合任何用途。

    受 Central Cee、Fivio Foreign 等人启发而制作的可放置旋律循环乐曲
    在这个系列中,我们完全专注于捕捉当今 Drill 音乐的强烈冲击美感。

    每个旋律循环都经过精心创作和处理,可与重型鼓点和 808 音乐完美搭配。

    这些旋律受到 Central Cee、Abra Cadabra 等知名艺术家和制作人的启发,集中体现了这一流派巨大影响力的精髓。

    音准备就绪的 Drill Drum Loops,专为重击音轨而设计
    为了捕捉 Drill 原始、重击的音效,我们设计了各种富有冲击力和侵略性的鼓点循环。

    这些鼓点环路旨在捕捉 Drill 的独特反弹力,提供其深受喜爱的无情而有力的节奏。


    本系列中的每一个鼓声样本都是为了捕捉 Drill 音乐所特有的厚重而有力的声音而设计的。

    在这个鼓包中,你将获得大量重击鼓采样,包括强劲的 808、Kicks、尖锐的 Snares、清脆的 Hi-Hats 和钹等。




    无论是流行、RnB、Trap、House 还是 Dancehall 等,这里都有适合各种风格的音乐。

    适用于各种不同流派的 MIDI 作品
    通过 BPM 变化、移调、音效选择和后期处理,你可以将一个 MIDI 文件转换成无数个不同的方向。

    因此,无论你是想学习如何编写贴片旋律,还是想编辑 MIDI 文件并创作新作品,或者只是想原封不动地使用它们……

    音源包包含各种独特而复杂的 MIDI,可为你提供多种不同风格的旋律。

    LABYRINTH 提供各种纹理打击乐循环,适用于多种不同类型的音乐。


    无论您是制作拉丁、Drill、Afrobeats、Trap、Lofi 等音乐,这些都是非常通用的。

    Cymatics Paradox 2 WAV MiDi
    Placement Ready Melody Loops Inspired by Bad Bunny, Anuel AA & More
    For this pack, we carefully designed passionate melodies that resonate with distinct character, drawing inspiration from the sounds of Latin culture.

    As we crafted each melody progression, we aimed to capture the very heart and soul of Latin music, influenced by iconic artists such as Bad Bunny & Anuel AA.

    There is a ton of feeling captured throughout each loop, so they’re perfect if you’re looking to catch an instant vibe.

    Pulsing Drum Loops Inspired by The Biggest Latin Hits
    There’s no questioning that the drums of a Latin record carry the pulse of the music.

    That’s why we dedicated ourselves to creating an array of dynamic drum rhythms inspired by Dancehall and Reggaeton.

    Each rhythm, meticulously programmed and processed, is engineered to cut through any mix, all while maintaining the infectious bounce that defines Latin culture.

    Crisp Drum One Shots For Producing Latin Inspired Bangers
    This pack covers the authentic drum sounds of Latin culture honing in on the distinct rhythms of Dancehall and Reggaeton.

    Explore a curated selection of premium Kicks, Snares, Rimshots, Hi-Hats, and more, meticulously designed to seamlessly blend into the diverse landscape of Latin subgenres.

    When paired with the melodies, these drum sounds allow you to easily create hit Latin records from the ground up.
    Snare (Rompe)

    Placement Ready Melodies Inspired by Burna Boy, Drake & More
    For the Afrobeats section of PARADOX II, our team did a deep dive into the genre’s biggest artists for inspiration.

    This includes major artists like Burna Boy, Drake, and many others that carry the flag for the Afrobeats genre.

    These melodies are perfect for setting an instant vibe, filled with tons of emotion and energy throughout the pack.

    Bounce Focused Drum Loops For Producing Soulful Afrobeats
    These drum loops are all about the bounce and rhythm found within the Afrobeats genre.

    With a heavy inspiration on Dancehall / Reggaeton, these drum loops are perfect for creating pulsating hit songs.

    Pair these up with the melody loops to easily start creating placement ready beats for artists like Burna Boy or Drake.

    Afrobeats Inspired Drum One Shots That Cut Through Any Mix
    These drum one shots allow you to build your own Afrobeats drum tracks from the ground up.

    Inside, you’ll find everything from crisp Kicks, Snares, Claps, Hihats, Cymbal & more, all designed to fit the aesthetic of the style.

    Create your own Afrobeats style rhythms or use them for whatever genre you wish, they are versatile for any use.

    Placement Ready Melody Loops Inspired by Central Cee, Fivio Foreign & More
    For this collection, we focused entirely on capturing the hard hitting aesthetic of today’s Drill music.

    Each melody loop is composed and processed to pair seamlessly with heavy drums and 808s in mind.

    Inspired by the prowess of leading artists and producers like Central Cee, Abra Cadabra, and more, these melodies encapsulate the essence of the genre’s monumental influence.

    Mix-Ready Drill Drum Loops Designed For Heavy Hitting Tracks
    Capturing the raw and heavy hitting sound of Drill, we designed a variety of punchy and aggressive drum loops.

    These drum loops were created to capture the unique bounce of Drill, providing the relentless and driving rhythm that it’s loved for.

    Additionally, we’ve included the stem track outs for each drum loop, allowing you to personalize each drum layer and tailor it to the specific needs of your track.

    Heavy Drill Inspired Drum One Shots To Punch Through Any Mix
    Each drum sample in this collection was designed to capture the heavy & punchy sound that Drill music is known for.

    Inside this pack, you’ll get a wide array of hard hitting drum samples including powerful 808s, Kicks, sharp Snares, crisp Hi-Hats, Cymbals, and much more.

    These drum one shots are purposefully designed to slice through any mix effortlessly , seamlessly blending with heavy bass driven tracks.

    Lush & Emotional Guitar Loops Recorded by Professional Guitarists
    This bonus pack was designed to give you a variety of emotional guitar melodies that work well for pretty much any genre of music.

    These were all recorded and processed by our team, alongside highly skilled guitarists and processed to perfection.

    Whether it’s Pop, RnB, Trap, House, Dancehall, etc, there is something for every style in here.

    Placement Ready MIDI Compositions For A Variety of Different Genres
    Between BPM changes, transposing, sound selection, and post processing, you can take 1 MIDI file into a thousand different directions.

    So whether you want to learn how we write placement ready melodies, edit the MIDI and create new compositions, or simply use them as is…

    This pack contains a variety of unique and complex MIDI, to give you a plenty of different styles for creating placement ready melodies.

    Textural Percussion Loops To Add Life To Drums & Melodies
    LABYRINTH delivers on a variety of textural percussion loops that work for multiple different genres.

    These are designed and pre-processed to subtly add character and depth to any track you add them to.

    Whether you’re producing Latin, Drill, Afrobeats, Trap, Lofi, etc, these are extremely versatile.


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