WAV | 353MB
奇点是Omnisphere 2的新电子和环境声音设置。它包含128个预设,25个多重音色,由100个声源创建,还需要使用Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.6的某些声源。
奇异性包含各种电子声音,环境声音以及一些实验声音。低音嘶哑,各种ARP,合成器扭曲和实验性噪声景象,闪烁的打击垫和纹理。受乔恩·霍普金斯(Jon Hopkins)的启发,还有合唱声音的集合,从实验合唱团到将吉他,合成器或钢琴转换成合唱团(通过modwheel)的声音转变为止。声音在Jon Hopkins,Helios,Nils Frahm,Plaid和Telefon Tel Aviv的作品中找到了灵感。
Singularity is new electronic and ambient soundset for Omnisphere 2. It contains 128 presets, 25 multis and is created from 100 soundsources with also the use of some of the soundsources from Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.6 is required.
Singularity contains a large variety of electronic, ambient and also some experimental sounds. Growling basses, a large variety of ARP’s, twisted synths and experimental noisescapes, shimmering pads and textures. Inspired by Jon Hopkins, there is also collection of choir sounds, varying from experimental choirs till transforming sounds where a guitar, synth or piano transforms into a choir (via modwheel). The soundset found its inspiration in the works of Jon Hopkins, Helios, Nils Frahm, Plaid and Telefon Tel Aviv.
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