深入了解我们最受欢迎的科幻和超级英雄音效产品,Legacy 集科幻合成工具 Event Horizon、Dark Dimensions、Terraform 和 Scenes From The Multiverse 于一身。这些工具以前是为少数预告片作曲家定制的,现在可供您使用,扩展您的工具包,为您的电影制作带来新意。
有时,配乐背景中的小动作才能真正唤起人们的情感。Legacy 提供了多种选项,可为你的音乐增添一些额外的元素。
由音效设计师 Joshua Crispin 制作,专为现代动作片和超级英雄电影而设计,如《漫威复仇者联盟》、《蜘蛛侠》、《雷神》、《银河护卫队》、《X 战警》、《DC 漫画》、《超人》、《蝙蝠侠》、《星际迷航》、《星球大战》等。
Dark Dimensions 由获奖音效设计师保罗-安东尼奥-奥尔蒂斯(Paul Antonio Ortiz)制作,是一套震撼人心的黑暗科幻音效,专为黑暗、激进的科幻项目而设计。
Event Horizon 也是由获奖音效设计师保罗-奥尔蒂斯制作,专为《创战纪》、《星际穿越》、《湮没》、《地心引力》、《极乐世界》和类似电影中的现代科幻宣传活动而设计。
运动即情感–这是 Terraform 背后的核心理念。有时,配乐背景中的小动作才能真正唤起人们的情感。Terraform 由屡获殊荣的音效设计师 Paul Ortiz 制作,提供多种音调(分为低音、中音和高音)、打击乐和环境动效,可为您的音轨增添一些额外的效果。
全部细节: 包括哪些内容
-脉冲 3/4
-4/4 脉冲
-脉冲 3/4
-4/4 脉冲
-高音 3/4 乐章
-高音 4/4 乐章
-高音 4/4 运动 – 大调
-低调 4/4 拍
-低调性 4/4 乐章 – 大调
-中调式 3/4 乐章
-弱奏 4/4 拍
Audio Imperia Legacy v1.1.0 KONTAKT
Versatile Sound Design
Deep dive into a collection of some of our most popular science-fiction and superhero sound effects products in one package, Legacy beams up sci-fi composition tools Event Horizon, Dark Dimensions, Terraform, and Scenes From The Multiverse. Previously created as bespoke tools for a small collection of trailer composers and now available for you, expand your toolkit and bring something new to your cinematic productions.
The right tools for the job
Four for One
Everything you need for creating hybrid trailer tracks, menacing scores, sci-fi and futuristic sounds. Whether you are a composer, a songwriter, or a filmmaker, these sounds will set you up with a vast range of incredible cinematic sounds.
Award-Winning Sound Designers
We collaborated with some of the best cinematic sound designers out there to bring you a huge collection of cinematic sound design elements and effects that will elvate your productions and make your tracks stand out.
Motion is Emotion
Sometimes it is the little moving parts in the background of a score that really evoke emotion. Legacy offers a wide range of options to give your track that little something extra.
What’s Included
Scenes From the Multiverse
Produced by sound designer Joshua Crispin and designed for modern action and superhero movies such as Marvel Avengers, Spiderman, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men, DC Comics, Superman, Batman, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc.
Dark Dimensions
Produced by award-winning sound designer Paul Antonio Ortiz, Dark Dimensions is a set of hard-hitting and dark sci-fi sounds and effects, specifically designed for dark and aggressive science-fiction projects.
Event Horizon
Also produced by award-winning sound designer Paul Ortiz, Event Horizon is specifically designed for modern science fiction campaigns in the likes of Tron, Interstellar, Oblivion, Gravity, Elysium, and similar movies.
Motion is Emotion – That was the core idea behind Terraform. Sometimes it is the little moving parts in the background of a score that really evoke emotion. Produced by award-winning sound designer Paul Ortiz, Terraform offers a wide range of tonal (split into low, mid, and high), percussive, and ambient Motions to give your track that little something extra.
The Full Details: What’s Included
Dark Dimensions
•Designed Hits
•Futuristic FX
•Pulses 3/4
•Pulses 4/4
•Reversed FX
•Slow Stingers
Event Horizon
•(Electronic) Drums
•Hits (Designed)
•Pulses 3/4
•Pulses 4/4
•Spiccato Synths
•(Soft) Transitions
•Ambient Motions
•Ambient Motions – Major
•High Tonal 3/4 Motions
•High Tonal 4/4 Motions
•High Tonal 4/4 Motions – Major
•Low Tonal 3/4 Motions
•Low Tonal 4/4 Motions
•Low Tonal 4/4 Motions – Major
•Mid Tonal 3/4 Motions
•Mid Tonal 4/4 Motions
•Mid Tonal 4/4 Motions – Major
•Percussive 3/4 Motions
•Percussive 4/4 Motions
•Bonus (in Major)
Scenes From The Multiverse
•Designed Hits
•Reversed FX
•Stretched FX
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