2020 | WAV | 14 MB
电子舞曲诞生于中美洲,芝加哥和底特律,但直到1980年代后期在柏林才盛行。许多制作人和DJ都搬到了柏林,开始崭露头角。落地流派中的四种迷们来到了享誉世界的夜生活场所。世界上没有其他城市提供如此多的俱乐部,发起人和唱片公司。因此,我们在Trip Digital上为柏林的朋友们献上了整个合成音色,单拍和循环的声音。我们向您传播文化表示敬意。保持精神自由。干杯!
Electronic Dance Music was born in Middle America, Chicago and Detroit, but didn’t thrive until in the late 1980s in Berlin. Lots of producers and DJs relocate to Berlin for the emerging scene. Fans of the four on the floor genre traveled to the just to take in its world-renowned nightlife. No other city in the world offers so many clubs, promoters, and record labels. So we at Trip Digital dedicated an entire sound pack of synths, one-shots and loops, to our friends in Berlin. We salute you for carrying the culture. Stay MENTAL and free. Cheers!
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