WAV | 197.4MB
– 12 Construction Kits
– 80-140 BPM
– 7 Piano
– 13 Guitar
– 11 Vocals
– 9 Synths
– 4 FX
– 3 Arps
– 11 Extras
Touch Loops制作的“ Mellow Pop”是一款灵感来自于开阔的风景,令人叹为观止的远景及其他元素的背包,它以众所周知的格式提供美丽的表演,令人难以置信的制作细节和永恒的构图。
受到Sigur Ros,Vegyn,Matty和Dean Blunt声音的启发,这款深夜驾驶的经典汽车唤起了纯粹的怀旧情调,完美地融入了微妙的人声或协作之下。
因此,如果您想添加一些表现出色且经过专业录制的样本,那么可以为您提供这些样本。无论您是制作流行音乐或电影乐谱,Ambient Electronica,还是只想在下一首曲目中添加精美的曲目,这都是给您的。
‘Mellow Pop’ by Touch Loops is a pack inspired by open landscapes, breathtaking vistas and beyond, that delivers beautiful performances, incredible production detail and timeless compositions in a format we all know and love.
From the classic vocal harmonies to the live acoustic and electric instruments to the delicate textures and ambiences, this groundbreaking collection is an instant classic.
Divided down into 12 beautiful construction kits, you’ll find delicate 1, 2 and 3 part acoustic guitar samples, otherworldly Mellotron loops, single and grouped live string loops from violas and violins, felt processed piano and Rhodes loops, grouped male vocal harmonies and character rich upright piano loops.
Inspired by the sounds of Sigur Ros, Vegyn, Matty and Dean Blunt, this late night driving classic evokes emotions of pure nostalgia that would sit perfectly under a delicate vocal or collaboration.
So, if you’re looking to add some beautifully performed and expertly recorded samples then this ones for you. Whether you produce Pop or film score, Ambient Electronica or just want to add something beautiful to your next track, then this one’s for you.
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