史诗级女声音源 Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT 电影游戏配乐音色库 暂无演示

史诗级女声音源 Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT 电影游戏配乐音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    KONTAKT | 2.03GB

    两种全新的惊人Vocal True Legatos,具有Clara Sorace令人难以置信的声音。
    Ethera黄金贴心人声是Ethera黄金系列的新篇章。它包括两个惊人的新Vocal True Legatos,它们与Ethera Gold 2.5中包含的音色具有独特而不同的音色,是该库的理想补充。Intimate Vocals不是Ethera Gold 2.5的附加产品或扩展产品,它是一个单独的独特独立产品。

    Ethera金亲密人声使用了Clara Sorace的宏伟声音。克拉拉(Clara)与许多最伟大的配乐和视频游戏作曲家以及预告片音乐创作者合唱。她的声音充满了灵魂,电影,史诗和情感的刺激。

    第二个发音是慢速连奏。由于Clara的人声范围,我们创建了一个黑暗而缓慢的True Legato,非常适合制作与《角斗士》电影成绩类似的人声部分。使用此True Legato进行缓慢,情感,戏剧性的演唱。
    我们使用Clara的Vocal清晰,有力的声音构建而成,我们对每个间隔进行了彩色采样,并持续获得最高质量的声音。尽管过程很漫长,但我们认为最终结果值得。没有人工制品,没有假音,只有真实的声音触手可及。我们还利用了多层技术,因此对于许多关节,可以(使用中速)在不同的连奏风格之间进行选择,以便您可以针对情况选择最合适的关节。如果您想为自己的作品增添戏剧性和情感感,那么请尝试Ethera金贴心人声!观看下面由James Spilling创建的演练和演示视频。
    零重力Ethera金亲密人声KONTAKT截图Ethera Gold 2.5由屡获殊荣的声音设计师和作曲家Stefano Maccarelli创作,在音频行业,电影音乐,声音设计和音频后期制作领域拥有23年以上的经验。Stefano已为许多领先广播品牌的广告活动和电视节目获得音乐或声音设计的得分或许可,例如福克斯,国家地理,天空,A&T网络,福克斯体育,迪士尼和漫威。
    零重力Ethera金亲密人声KONTAKT截图克拉拉·索拉斯(Clara Sorace)是来自意大利的歌手和唱片艺术家,总部设在罗马。她学习钢琴和唱歌超过12年。她参加了各种比赛和音乐节,包括圣雷莫歌曲学院,并进入了决赛。克拉拉(Clara)在音乐制作和人声编排方面拥有丰富的经验,这使她能够扩展自己的风格多样性和范围,以便她可以轻松地从《灵魂与流行》转换为电影和史诗音乐。她的人声已用于许多国际音乐作品,国际预告片,电视节目,视频游戏,例如Ubisoft的刺客信条Valhalla,以及许多电影音乐专辑。
    Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT
    Two brand new amazing Vocal True Legatos, featuring the incredible voice of Clara Sorace.
    Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals is a new chapter of the Ethera Gold series. It includes two amazing new Vocal True Legatos that offer a distinctive and different vocal timbre from the one included in Ethera Gold 2.5 and is an ideal addition to that library. Intimate Vocals is not an add-on or expansion for Ethera Gold 2.5, it is a separate, unique stand-alone product.

    Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals uses the magnificent voice of Clara Sorace. Clara has sung with many of the greatest soundtrack and video games composers and trailer music creators. Her voice is a thrilling blend of soul, cinematic, epic and emotionality.
    Intimate Vocals contains two new articulations: Soft Oh has an angelic, flute-like sound which is perfect for soft or fantasy type vocals. This Legato is Medium/Fast which allows for faster melodic passages.

    The second articulation is a Slow Legato. Thanks to Clara’s vocal range we have created a dark, slow True Legato which is ideal for creating vocal parts similar to that in the Gladiator film-score. Use this True Legato for slow, emotional, dramatic vocals.

    Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT screenshotBuilt using the clear, powerful voice that is Clara’s Vocal, we have chromatically sampled every interval and sustain to obtain the highest quality sound. Although a very long process, we think that the final result has been worthwhile. No artefacts, no fake-pitch, only a real voice at your fingertips. We also utilised a Multi-Layer technique so that for many articulations it is possible (using midi velocity) to choose between different legato styles so that you can select the most appropriate articulation for the situation.

    Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT screenshotIf you want to add some drama and emotion to your work, then reach out for Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals!

    Check out the walkthrough and demo video below created by James Spilling.
    About the Producer
    Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT screenshotEthera Gold 2.5 was created by Stefano Maccarelli, an Award-Winning Sound Designer & Composer with over 23 years’ experience in the audio industry, film music, sound design & audio postproduction. Stefano has scored or licensed music & sound design for ad campaigns and TV Shows of many leading broadcasting brands such as Fox, National Geographic, Sky, A&T Networks, Fox Sports, Disney and Marvel.

    About the Vocalists
    Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT screenshotClara Sorace is a vocalist & recording artist from Italy who is based in Rome. She studied piano and singing for over 12 Years. She has participated in various competitions and festivals including the San Remo Academy of Song where she reached the final. Clara has extensive experience of musical production and vocal arrangements, which has enabled her to widen her stylistic versatility and range so that she can switch easily from Soul & Pop to Cinematic and Epic Music. Her vocals have been used in many international musical works, international trailers, TV Shows, Video Games like Assassin’s Creed Valhalla by Ubisoft, and many Cinematic Music Albums.

    IMPORTANT: ETHERA Gold Intimate Vocals requires the full edition of Kontakt 6.4.2!
    It will NOT work in the FREE Kontakt Player.




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