教堂管风琴音源 Marcos Ciscar Eternity Church Organ v2.0 KONTAKT 编曲音色库 暂无演示

教堂管风琴音源 Marcos Ciscar Eternity Church Organ v2.0 KONTAKT 编曲音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    KONTAKT | 2.58GB


    为 Kontakt 制作的教堂管风琴采样,细节精致细腻。

    永恒教堂管风琴》以管风琴师的视角录制于瑞典一座建于 1790 年的教堂管风琴上。
    该管风琴于 1981 年进行了现代化改造,并于 2015 年进行了新的翻新和扩建。
    录音:24 位 – 96 kHz,抖动至 44,1 kHz。五个麦克风–三个在乐器前方,两个在教堂中央。室内环境已混入音效中,并在发行说明中占据中心位置。

    混响: 起初使用的是教堂定制的 IR,但由于相位问题而被拒绝。在最终产品中,混响 IR 是基于模仿教堂氛围的传统混响装置上创建的 IR。

    预置:24。马科斯-西斯卡尔(Marcos Ciscar)录制了 14 个原始管风琴音位和 10 个组合音位。所选音位来自所有三个手动编制,音域为 C2 – A6(每个音位 58 个音符)。

    踏板: 录制了五个踏板组合。在以下预置中,最低八度被添加到键盘音色中: Fifth evangelist、Interstellar 2、Midnight mass、Principal 8 和 Tutti。这些预置都有附录 (PEDALS)。最低音为 C1。

    所有采样均已除噪。尽管如此,一些管风琴音站,如 “Borduna 16″,还是会有固有的管道噪音,这也是声音的一部分。这完全正常。
    声音设计/采样/音频演示由 Marcos Ciscar 制作。

    停止 Blockflöjt 2, Bombarde 16, Borduna 16, Dulcian 16, Gedakt 8, Hålflöjt 4, Principal 8, Principal Linked, Rörflöjt 4, Rörflöjt 8, Spetsflöjt 8, Trechterregal 8, Tutti, Waldflöjt 2

    – 第五福音派: Kvintadena 8、Principal 4、Sesquialter 2、Scharf 4、Dulcian 16、带颤音的 Trechterregal 8(早期为 Krumhorn 8)。
    – 星际 1:此组合为秘密组合
    – 星际 2: 主音 16、主音 8、Spetsflöjt 8、Oktava 4、Rörflöjt 4、Oktava 2、Kvinta 2/3(新音停,早期为 Cymbel 3 ch)
    – 光明与黑暗 奥克塔瓦 4、Gedaktflöjt 4、Mixtur 4-5 ch
    – 午夜弥撒 Spetsflöjt 8、Rörflöjt 4、Kvinta 2 2/3
    – Passionata: 此组合保密
    – 灰色玫瑰 Principal 16,Spetsflöjt 8
    – 宁静 Salicional 8、Voix celéste 8
    – 虔诚的女王:Spetsflöjt 8、Rörflöjt 4
    – 风中的面纱 Oktava 4、Gedaktflöjt 4
    需要 Kontakt v5.8.1 或以上的完整版本!
    Marcos Ciscar Eternity Church Organ v2.0 KONTAKT
    A highly detailed and exquisitely sampled Church Organ for Kontakt.
    Covering various stops and combinations from the most subtle to the roaring tutti with pedals.

    Eternity Church Organ was recorded from the organist’s perspective on a Swedish church organ built in 1790.
    The organ was modernized in 1981 and newly renovated and expanded in 2015.
    The recordings: 24 bit – 96 kHz, dithered to 44,1 kHz. Five microphones – three in front of the instrument and two in the center of the church. The room ambience was mixed into the sound and is central in the release notes.

    The reverb: At first, a custom-made IR from the church was used but was rejected due to phase issues. In the final product the reverb IR is based upon an IR created on a traditional reverb unit imitating the church ambience.
    Use the reverb to position the listener further out in the church room.

    Presets: 24. Fourteen original organ stops were recorded together with ten combinations curated by Marcos Ciscar. The selection was made using stops from all three manuals and the note range is C2 – A6 (58 notes per stop).

    Pedals: Five pedal combinations were recorded. The lowest octave was added to the keyboard sound in the following presets: Fifth evangelist, Interstellar 2, Midnight mass, Principal 8 and Tutti. These presets have the addendum (PEDALS). The lowest note is C1.

    All samples have been noise-cleaned. Even so, some of the organ stops, such as “Borduna 16” have an inherent pipe noise that is part of the sound. This is completely normal.
    Sound design / sampling / audio demos by Marcos Ciscar.

    Stops: Blockflöjt 2, Bombarde 16, Borduna 16, Dulcian 16, Gedakt 8, Hålflöjt 4, Principal 8, Principal Linked, Rörflöjt 4, Rörflöjt 8, Spetsflöjt 8, Trechterregal 8, Tutti, Waldflöjt 2
    Some of the names of the stops are in Swedish, exactly like on the organ itself. Tremulant (tremolo) is used on some of the stops.

    – Fifth evangelist: Kvintadena 8, Principal 4, Sesquialter 2 ch, Scharf 4 ch, Dulcian 16, Trechterregal 8 with tremolo on (earlier Krumhorn 8)
    – Interstellar 1: This combination is secret
    – Interstellar 2: Principal 16, Principal 8, Spetsflöjt 8, Oktava 4, Rörflöjt 4, Oktava 2, Kvinta 2 2/3 (New stop, earlier Cymbel 3 ch)
    – Light and darkness: Oktava 4, Gedaktflöjt 4, Mixtur 4–5 ch
    – Midnight mass: Spetsflöjt 8, Rörflöjt 4, Kvinta 2 2/3
    – Passionata: This combination is secret
    – Roses in grey: Principal 16, Spetsflöjt 8
    – Serenity: Salicional 8, Voix celéste 8
    – The pious queen: Spetsflöjt 8, Rörflöjt 4
    – Veils in the wind: Oktava 4, Gedaktflöjt 4

    插件基地 – PluginsBase


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