电影配乐铜管音源 Hidden Path Audio Battalion KONTAKT 编曲音色库 暂无演示

电影配乐铜管音源 Hidden Path Audio Battalion KONTAKT 编曲音色库

¥8.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 8.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • KONTAKT | 7.8GB


    管弦乐设备: BATTALION 是对电影级铜管乐的重新诠释… BATTALION 利用我们全新的 Orchestral Devices 引擎,既可进行传统的管弦乐配乐,也可进行混合铜管乐器音效设计,所有这些都集于一个真正鼓舞人心的软件包中!

    BATTALION 利用现代 XY 垫、四通道多音序器、广泛的特效和音效塑造功能以及丰富的音源等功能,将史诗般的铜管乐力量带到你的指尖。通过 XY 垫接口最多可混合 4 种音源,快速实现最前沿的铜管乐音效和音色;通过控制器或垫子控制设备轻松实现 MIDI,实时混合 4 种音源易如反掌。我们的内置音序器可以轻松制作旋律模式,也可以将音序器设置为 “随机播放”,以获得大多数样本库无法提供的独特效果。
    BATTALION 包含 135 种独特的音源,你可以轻松地将它们组合和分层到界面的四个 XY 象限中的任何一个。音源包括传统的铜管乐器衔接、大量管弦乐铜管乐器特效、多个混合音效设计库(取自原声内容,然后进行扭曲和处理)以及多个模拟合成器内容库,它们以真正史诗般的方式为铜管乐器增色。所有管弦乐内容都有三种混音效果(近距离、舞台和全混音),有助于为音轨精确调配空间和氛围。此外,250 种预设也分门别类地包含在几个类别中,让你的电影创作有章可循。

    – 小号独奏
    – 小号合奏
    – 法国号独奏
    – 法国号合奏
    – 长号独奏
    – 长号合奏
    – 低铜管合奏
    – 混合声音设计

    – 电脑 Windows 7 或更高版本(64 位)、Intel Core Duo 2 GHZ 或 AMD Athlon 64、8 GB 内存
    – 苹果电脑 OS X 10.9 或更高版本、英特尔酷睿 2 双核、8 GB 内存
    – 8.4 GB 可用硬盘空间(通过 Kontakt 的 NCW 采样格式压缩,由 16 GB 48Khz – 24 位 .wav 文件组成)
    需要 Kontakt v5.6.8 或以上的完整版本!
    Hidden Path Audio Battalion KONTAKT – 7,85 GB
    Orchestral Devices: BATTALION is cinematic brass re-imagined… Utilizing our brand new Orchestral Devices engine, BATTALION allows for both traditional orchestral scoring as well as hybrid brass sound design, all in one truly inspiring package!

    Utilizing features such as a modern XY pad, quad multi-lane sequencers, extensive FX and sound shaping capabilities, and a wealth of included sound sources, BATTALION brings the force of epic brass to your fingertips. Quickly achieve cutting edge brass sounds and timbres by blending up to four sources with the XY pad interface, and with easy MIDI implementation for your controllers or pad control devices, blending the four sources in real time is a breeze. Our built-in sequencers allow for easily accessible melodic patterns, or go completely aleatoric and set the sequencer to ‘random playback’ for some truly unique FX not capable in most sample libraries.
    BATTALION includes 135 unique sound sources, of which you can easily combine and layer into any of the four XY quadrants of the interface. Sound sources range from traditional brass articulations, a huge compliment of orchestral brass FX, and several banks of both hybrid sound design (taken from the acoustic content and then twisted and manipulated), as well as several banks of analog synth content which compliment brass in truly epic ways. Three mixes are available for all orchestral content (Close, Stage, and Full Mix), which helps dial in the precise amount of space and ambience to your track. 250 presets are also included in several categories to get your cinematic composition started.

    The included sound sources categories are:
    – Trumpet Solo
    – Trumpet Ensemble
    – French Horn Solo
    – French Horn Ensemble
    – Trombone Solo
    – Trombone Ensemble
    – Low Brass Ensemble
    – Hybrid Sound Design
    – Analog Synth
    System requirements:
    – PC: Windows 7 or higher (64 Bit), Intel Core Duo 2 GHZ or AMD Athlon 64, 8 GB RAM
    – Mac: OS X 10.9 or higher, Intel Core 2 Duo, 8 GB RAM
    – 8.4 GB of free drive space (compressed via Kontakt’s NCW sample format, from 16 GB of 48Khz – 24-bit .wav files)
    The FULL version of Kontakt v5.6.8 or above is required!


    下载时请不要断网或者暂停! 下载好,MAC用keka解压;WiN用winrar解压!网站可以免费下载这个两个压缩工具! 如遇到需要解压密码的文件,密码为www.pluginsbase.com或者yyrlom.taobao.com或者yuyinraoliangom或者yyrlom
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