摇滚重金属电贝司音源 Submission Audio DjinnBass II KONTAKT 编曲音色库 暂无演示

摇滚重金属电贝司音源 Submission Audio DjinnBass II KONTAKT 编曲音色库

¥8.8 金币
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  • KONTAKT | 7.2GB

    DjinnBass 2将原版乐器的传奇冲击力、低音清晰度和攻击性与超逼真的truBass技术完美结合。这是有史以来第一次,您可以选择拨片演奏或指弹风格——就像拥有两种乐器一样。

    这款完全重采样的Dingwall NG2提供了两种强大的预混音音色,配备了truSlide、truLegato、拍弦、空弦和闷音等功能,树立了极端现代虚拟低音的行业标准。

    • 乐器型号:Dingwall NG2
    • 采样者:Ermin Hamidovic
    • 演奏风格:拨片和指弹
    • 弦数:5根
    • 调音范围:C0至G4
    • 发声:拨片交替、拨片上弦、拨片下弦、指弹交替、食指弹、中指弹、空音、拍弦、空拍弦、弹奏、空弹奏、泛音、拉弦/扫弦、指板按停、掌碰闷音、掌碰上弦、掌碰下弦、空击弦、空掌碰 resting
    • 包含音色:DI(干音)、Grit(颗粒音)、Distortion(失真音)
    • truBass:是

    • Dingwall NG2:Kontakt Player中Dingwall NG2贝斯的真实虚拟模型。
    • truBass技术:体验我们领先行业的truBass引擎带来的无与伦比的逼真感,提供真实贝斯的真实感和动态响应。
    • 双重演奏:我们有史以来第一次双重采样的乐器。现在,您可以根据音乐需要选择拨片演奏或指弹风格。
    • 23种演奏发声:拨片和指弹、拍弦、弹奏、滑弦、闷音、拉弦、扫弦、掌碰、指板按停、掌碰上/下弦、空弹弦、空击弦和更多,可再现甚至最复杂的低音线。
    • 智能拨弦控制:基于逻辑的自动交替拨弦,立即带来真实的演奏效果。
    • 多重采样:整个乐器的每个品位都采样了多次,因此您可以像真正的贝斯手一样编程演奏。
    • 干音DI:直接来自贝斯的原始、未加工的信号。您可以像对待常规贝斯演奏一样处理它(但它实际上要好得多!)。
    • 预混音音色:使用两种专业制作的混音音色立即提升您的轨道,旨在无缝集成到任何项目中。
    • 内置混音器:使用我们内置的混音器微调您的声音。精心策划的控件为您快速调整音色提供了最快的方式。
    • truSlides:完全可控的可变速滑弦,能够让您完全掌控表演。
    • truLegato:简单、自动的拉弦/扫弦演奏逻辑,让您可以专注于创作。
    • 人性化控制:使用人性化控制为您的演奏注入自然的变化,为音乐增添微妙的差别。
    • 位置控制:将其视为虚拟的夹夷,可以沿着指板上移,选择更高的品位,并创造更圆润的音色,就像真实生活中一样。
    • 强制弦:完全掌控您的音色,可以为每个音符选择确切的弦。
    • 弯音:将音符(和颤音)弯曲至12个半音!
    • “末日”模式:专注于具有最具影响力、清晰样本的模式,为EDM等激进的音乐风格提供了最大化的速度。
    • 自定义键切换映射:使用可定制的键切换映射定制您的工作流程,让您能够根据需要随时分配和使用不同的发声和技巧。
    Submission Audio DjinnBass II KONTAKT 25 November 2023
    DjinnBass 2 combines the legendary punch, low note clarity & aggression of the original with the power of hyper-realistic truBass technology. For the first time ever, you can choose pick or fingerstyle – like having two instruments in one.

    This completely resampled Dingwall NG2 packs two crushing premixed tones with truSlide, truLegato, slap bass, ghosts & mutes to set the standard for extreme modern virtual bass.

    • Bass model: Dingwall NG2
    Sampled by: Ermin Hamidovic
    • Playing style: Pick & Finger
    • Strings: 5
    • Tuning range: C0 – G4
    • Articulations: Pick Alternate, Pick Up, Pick Down, Finger Alternate, Index Finger, Middle Finger, Dead Note, Slap, Dead Slap, Pop, Dead Pop, Harmonic, Hammer On/Pull Off, Tapping, Slide Trigger, Fret Hand Mute, Palm Mute Alt, Palm Mute Up, Palm Mute Down, Dead Strum, Dead Palm Rest
    • Included Tones: DI, Grit, Distortion
    • truBass: Yes

    • Dingwall NG2: Exceptionally realistic virtual model of a Dingwall NG2 bass guitar for Kontakt Player.
    • truBass Technology: Experience unparalleled realism with our industry-leading truBass engine, delivering the authentic feel and dynamic response of a real bass guitar.
    • Dual Expression: Our first ever dual-sampled bass. Now you can choose either pick or fingerstyle, depending on what your music needs.
    • 23 Performance Articulations: Pick & Finger Picking, Slap, Pop, Slide, Ghost Notes, Hammer On, Pull Off, Tap, Strum, Palm Rest, Fret Hand Mute and more allow for recreating even the most complex bass lines.
    • Intelligent Alternate Picking: Immediately realistic playback with logic-based, automatic alternate picking.
    • Multi-Sampling: Every fret position across the entire instrument has been multi-sampled, so you can program the performance exactly as a real bassist would play it.
    • Raw DI: The pure, unprocessed signal, directly from the bass guitar. Treat it like you would a regular bass performance (except that it’s actually good!).
    • Pre-Mixed Tones: Instantly elevate your tracks with two professionally crafted, mix-ready tones, designed for seamless integration into any project.
    • Integrated Mixer: Fine-tune your sound with our built-in mixer. Curated controls create the fastest way to tailor the included tones to your music.
    • Interactive Fretboard: Visualize your bass lines in real-time with an intuitive fretboard display, enhancing your connection with the instrument.
    • truSlides: Fully controllable, variable tempo slides from any note to any other note give you complete control over your performance.
    • truLegato: Easy, automatic hammer on/pull-off articulation logic, so you can get on with being creative.
    • Humanize Control: Infuse your performance with natural variation using the Humanize control, adding subtle differences for a more organic feel.
    • Position Control: Think of this as a virtual capo, shifting your virtual playing position up the fretboard, selecting higher frets and creating a rounder sound – just like in real life.
    • Force String: Gain complete control over your tone, allowing you to choose exactly which string is used for every note.
    • Pitch Bend: Bend the notes (and vibrato) up to 12 semitones!
    • ‘DOOM’ Mode: A specialized mode focusing on the most impactful, clear samples with maximized velocity for aggressive musical styles, such as EDM.
    • Custom Keyswitch Mapping: Tailor your workflow with customizable keyswitch mapping, allowing you to assign and access different articulations and techniques on the fly.

    Included Tones
    • DI: Raw tone, directly from the bass. Treat it like any studio-grade performance – run it through your favourite gear.
    • Grit: Spanky driven sound, aiming to emulate that classic combination of Dingwall x Darkglass.
    • Distortion: Ensign, engage warp 9! All safeties disabled – this is the all-out sonic assault.

    插件基地 – PluginsBase


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