版本 | v1.0.0
Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 753MB
Mac11.x-14.X | AU | VST | VST3 | 1.0.1GB
pure:unmask 可以毫不费力地整理混音,并通过频谱解蔽功能防止两个音轨之间的频谱出现任何音频干扰。
pure:unmask 只需极少的设置,就能快速完成混音中最重要的工作之一–在一个音轨中为另一个音轨寻找空间。你只需在需要腾出空间的通道上加载 pure:unmask,从优先通道路由侧链输入,然后选择适合侧链信号的配置文件即可。
人工智能处理和频谱解蔽是 pure:unmask 背后的驱动力。这些技术结合在一起,能将混音中两个相互竞争的元素完美地结合在一起,而不会产生任何抽取伪音。
Sonible Pureunmask
pure:unmask effortlessly tidies up your mix and prevents, thanks to spectral unmasking, any audio interference in the frequency spectrum between two tracks.
Creating space within one track for another
Intelligent sidechain profiles for well-defined sounds
Achieve pro-grade results without any fuss
pure:unmask makes short work of one of mixing’s most vital components – finding space within one track for another – with minimal setup. All you have to do is load pure:unmask on the channel that needs to make space, route a sidechain input from the prioritized channel and then select a profile that fits the sidechain signal.
Spectral unmasking for incredible audio clarity
Clear as a bell, quick as a flash
AI-powered processing and spectral unmasking are the driving forces behind pure:unmask. Together, these technologies are able to perfectly combine two competing elements of a mix without any pumping artifacts.
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