喷火独奏小号音源 Spitfire Audio BML Trumpet Corps Volume 1 v1.1b3 KONTAKT 电影配乐音色库 暂无演示

喷火独奏小号音源 Spitfire Audio BML Trumpet Corps Volume 1 v1.1b3 KONTAKT 电影配乐音色库

¥8.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 8.8金币
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    KONTAKT | 35.9GB


    BML 皇冠上的明珠。我们的独奏小号KONTAKT音色和小号(a2)Kontakt音源组的基本衔接。在最好的音乐厅中与最好的小号手一起演奏所需的一切,脚本易于使用,并能激发您的灵感!

    在经历了庞大而粗犷的铜管乐库提供的宽泛、笔触式的写作方法(在某种程度上,这也是近期电影、游戏和电视音乐的特点)之后,Spitfire 终于自豪地推出了一些世界上最伟大的演奏家。我们将为您提供所需的工具,帮助您谱写出具有个性和风格的细致而集中的乐段,这些乐段将代表您的个性,表达您的创作意愿,并为您提供新鲜的实验牧场。

    Trumpet Corps Vol. 1 收录了当今伦敦最优秀的三位演奏家的独奏和合奏。他们的位置完全相同,因此可将 a2 补丁与独奏的补丁组合在一起,形成一个稍大的部分,同时保持声音的完整性。此外,与其他 BML 模块或 Albion 系列相结合,也能保持空间的完整性。请记住,这不仅仅是向左向右平移。如果你想让它们听起来像是坐在小提琴后面,就必须把它们放在那里!

    此音量的细节处理令人难以置信,为这三支规模不大的小号提供了一套真正动态的工具。如果您想要更大、更粗犷的音色,请记住我们还有小号方阵,6 个小号手可以带来真正的震撼!与这一音量相结合,将为您带来 9 位演奏者的小号启示录,让马勒引以为豪!

    多年来,作曲家们一直在世界各地巡演,在伦敦,我们的弦乐与木管和铜管齐名。但是小号呢?也许是因为伦敦的煤矿传统、众多的交响乐团和室内乐团、三大歌剧院、多个世界级音乐厅、80 多个剧场和热闹的电影业,我们的小号有一种独特的魅力。这一切都让我们的小号手高人一等。


    音色库中提供了多个麦克风位置,您不仅可以混合使用,以满足您的应用需求,还可以自动实现焦点和深度的戏剧性变化。我们还专门为每个样本制作了 3 个独家的 Jake Jackson 混音,以节省您的时间和系统资源。这些混音专为不同的应用而设计,从流行音乐到室内乐,再到史诗电影,通过在整个 BML 系列中使用这些混音,您可以实现完全的混音完整性,就像 Jake 所做的那样!

    Spitfire Audio BML Trumpet Corps Volume 1 v1.1b3 KONTAKT – 33,89 GB
    The jewel in BML’s crown. Essential articulations for our solo trumpet & trumpet (a2) section. Everything you need to get up & running with some of the best trumpeters, playing in one of the best halls, scripted for ease of use and out-of-the-box inspiration!

    After the delights of enormous and brash brass libraries providing broad, brushstroke approaches to writing (which have, to some extent, characterised recent film, gaming and TV music in recent times), Spitfire are at last proud to present some of the greatest players in the world. Providing you with the tools you need to write detailed and focussed parts that have a personality and style that represents your personality, that expresses your creative will and provides you with fresh pastures of experimentation.

    Trumpet Corps Vol. 1 features three of the finest players in London today one recorded solo, two recorded in unison. They are seated exactly in situ so combine the a2 patches with the solo ones for a slightly larger section whilst maintaining spectral integrity. Moreover combine with other BML modules or indeed the Albion range and the spacial integrity is maintained. Remember this is not just panning left to right. If you want them to sound like they’re sitting behind the violins you have to place them there!

    This volume is incredibly detailed providing a truly dynamic set of tools from this modest trio of trumpets. If you’re looking to get bigger and more brash remember we also have the Trumpet Phalanx, 6 trumpeters literally belting it! Combine with this volume would get you an apocalypse of trumpets with 9 players, something to make Mahler proud!

    Composers have been travelling the world over for many years now, our strings are formidable here in London alongside our woodwinds and brass. But the trumpets? There’s just something about our trumpets, maybe it’s the colliery tradition, the numerous symphony and chamber orchestras, the three major opera houses, several world class concert halls and 80+ theatre pits and buzzing film business in London alone. It leaves our trumpeters a cut above.

    This is a deeply sampled library with a selection of detailed articulations curated by multi award winning composers and musicians. The library features multiple round robins, dynamic layers and easily usable fully functional legato with control of vibrato.

    The library is presented with numerous microphone positions which you can not only mix and blend to fit the application you’re working on, but also automate for dramatic shifts in focus and depth. We have also specially commissioned 3 exclusive Jake Jackson mixes of every sample to save you time and system resources. These mixes are specially designed to work in different applications from pop to chamber to epic cinematic and by using these mixes across the BML range you can achieve total mix integrity, just as Jake would do it!
    This library was discontinued several years ago.
    喷火独奏小号音源 Spitfire Audio BML Trumpet Corps Volume 1 v1.1b3 KONTAKT 电影配乐音色库


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