319GB 新喷火交响乐管弦乐音源 Spitfire Audio Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.0.1 KONTAKT 电影配乐编曲音色库 暂无演示

319GB 新喷火交响乐管弦乐音源 Spitfire Audio Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.0.1 KONTAKT 电影配乐编曲音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    KONTAKT | 319GB


    Spitfire Symphony Orchestra受到世界上最好的作曲家的推崇,拥有完整的交响弦乐、交响铜管乐器和交响木管乐器部分,包括独奏乐器,加上竖琴、钢琴和完成乐队所需的所有打击乐器核心元素,让您的音乐具有出众的专业声音。
    在伦敦AIR录音室的Lyndhurst Hall录制,由过去十年一些顶级电影配乐中的黄金一代音乐家表演。这些精选的轰动声音是 Spitfire Audio 录制的最佳和最经典录音,这是一套旗舰虚拟乐器,已被世界顶尖作曲家和音乐制作人使用,并在过去十年数百部AAA级电影、游戏和电视节目的制作中发挥了作用。

    这个库中捕捉的弦乐是由60位世界上最优秀的弦乐演奏家创作的——16把第一小提琴、14把第二小提琴、12把中提琴、10把大提琴和8把低音提琴——表演了超过175种发音,包括由Andrew Blaney编程的9种连贯音修补,并提供了四种多功能的麦克风位置。
    – 60位顶尖的伦敦弦乐演奏家
    – 175种发音,包括59种短音、94种长音和9种连贯音
    – 多个动态层和循环轮换
    – 多样化且详细,为各个部分提供了基本、附加和一些独特的发音
    – 连贯音由Andy Blaney设计
    – 专门策划的“合奏”音修补的全面选择,超过100种独特的演奏家分层,以在单个音修补中提供多达300+音乐家。
    – Ostinatum模式
    – 四种麦克风位置:C(接近)、T(树)、A(环境) & O(触发器)

    – 世界上最优秀的铜管乐手
    – 覆盖独奏、室内乐、交响乐和电影乐器组的广泛频段
    – 从经典到不太知名的铜管乐器全系列
    – 多个动态层和循环轮换
    – 多样化且详细,包括基本和独特的发音,以及表演连贯音
    – Ostinatum模式
    – 四种麦克风位置:C(接近)、T(树)、A(环境) & O(触发器)

    – 世界级的木管乐手
    – 从传统的短笛、长笛、双簧管、单簧管和巴松管到现代乐器选择,包括中音长笛、低音长笛、低音单簧管、倍低音单簧管和雷鸣般的倍低音管
    – 覆盖独奏和a2部分的广泛频段——结合两者以创建您的a3部分。
    – 以最全面的选择,包括表演连贯音,精心采样了任何木管乐器库中可用的发音、动态层和循环轮换
    – Ostinatum模式
    – 四种麦克风位置:C(接近)、T(树)、A(环境) & O(触发器)

    – 这个全面的管弦乐队打击乐库由获奖打击乐手Joby Burgess表演
    – 这个庞大的打击乐器阵列包括9种定音乐器、13种鼓、12种“玩具”,从Agogo到沙锤、14种无音高的金属乐器和3种无音高的木制乐器
    – 竖琴由伦敦领先的竖琴家Skaila Kanga演奏,特色是全面的发音和踏板技巧,每个调都有滑奏
    – 管弦乐队大钢琴是一款非常逼真的“上下文”钢琴,专门设计用于自豪地融入您的整个管弦乐队编曲
    – 打击乐、钢琴和竖琴的麦克风位置包括C(接近)、T(树) & A(环境),钢琴还特别设有O(触发器)

    AIR Lyndhurst Hall 是伦敦AIR录音室的精神家园,也是大片配乐的诞生地。《皇冠》、《神奇女侠1984》、《芝加哥7人的审判》、《詹姆斯·邦德》、《星际穿越》、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《黑暗骑士》、《哈利·波特》、《角斗士》——所有这些都是在伦敦AIR录音室的Lyndhurst Hall录制的。Lyndhurst Hall的建筑结构独一无二,其内部的声学特性在全球范围内都享有盛誉,深受作曲家和音乐家的喜爱。

    Spitfire Symphony Orchestra 包含完整的交响弦乐、交响铜管和交响木管部分,包括独奏乐器,以及竖琴、钢琴和完成乐队所需的所有核心打击乐元素——为您的音乐提供专业的声音,使其脱颖而出。
    这些库包括 Spitfire Symphonic Strings, Spitfire Symphonic Brass, Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds, Spitfire Percussion, Spitfire Harp, Orchestral Grand 和 Masse。
    如果 Spitfire Symphony Orchestra 是来自现有库的内容,有什么新的?
    随着这次重新发布,您现在可以探索这些不可思议的音乐家在同一个地方提供的惊人表演,新的用户界面,对所有样本内容的审查,由 Andrew Blaney 创造的所有新的连贯音,并全部在 Native Instrument 的 Kontakt 7 中呈现。
    这个新库也支持 NKS。
    我们的交响乐系列、Spitfire Percussion、Harp 和 Orchestral Grand 的整合也意味着您可以在一个地方拥有 Air Studios 的六个录音块的所有内容。
    Spitfire Audio Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.0.1 KONTAKT- 319,47 GB
    Are world-class musicians
    Revered by the world’s best composers, Spitfire Symphony Orchestra features a full symphonic string, symphonic brass and symphonic woodwind sections including solo instruments, plus harp, piano and all core elements of percussion needed to complete the band — giving your music the professional sounds that stand out.
    Recorded in Lyndhurst Hall, at AIR Studios, London, performed by a gold generation of musicians who have featured on some of the top film scores of the last decade. This definitive selection of blockbuster sounds are some of the best, most classic recordings by Spitfire Audio, a set of flagship virtual instruments which are already used by the worlds top composers and music-makers, and have already played a part in the productions of the hundreds of AAA film, game and TV scores over the past decade.

    Symphonic Strings
    60 of the worlds best
    The strings in this library captured has been created with 60 of the world’s finest strings players — 16 1st violins, 14 2nd violins, 12 violas, 10 cellos & 8 basses — performing over 175 articulations, including 9 legato patches programmed by Andrew Blaney, and presented with four versatile microphone positions.

    – 60 top London string players
    – 175 articulations, including 59 shorts, 94 longs, & 9 legatos
    – Multiple dynamic layers and round robins
    – Diverse and detailed with essential, additional and some totally unique articulations for individual sections
    – Legatos designed by Andy Blaney
    – A comprehensive selection of specially curated ‘Ensemble’ patches, over 100 unique players layered to give up to 300+ musicians in a single patch.
    – Ostinatum mode
    – Four mic positions: C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient) & O(utriggers)

    Symphonic Brass
    Bold, detailed and powerful

    – The world’s finest brass players
    – A broad band covering solo, chamber, symphonic and cinematic instrument groups
    – The full range of brass instruments, from classic to lesser known
    – Multiple dynamic layers and round robins
    – Diverse and detailed with essential and unique articulations, including performance legato
    – Ostinatum mode
    – Four mic positions: C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient) & O(utriggers)

    Symphonic Woodwind
    Timeless, melodic and expressive
    – World class woodwind players
    – From traditional piccolos, flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons to a contemporary selection of instruments, from alto, bass flutes, bass clarinets, contrabass clarinets and a thunderous contrabassoon
    – A broad band covering both solo and a2 sections — combine both to create your a3 sections.
    – Expertly sampled with the most comprehensive selection of articulations, dynamic layers and round robins available in any woodwinds library, including performance legato
    – Ostinatum mode
    – Four mic positions: C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient) & O(utriggers)

    Percussion, Piano and Harp
    The definitive orchestral extras
    – This comprehensive orchestral percussion library performed by award-winning percussionist Joby Burgess
    – This vast array of percussion instruments features, 9 tuned, 13 drums, 12 ‘toys’, from agogo to shakers, 14 unpitched metal instruments, and 3 unpitched wood instruments
    – Harp performed by London’s leading harpist Skaila Kanga, featuring a comprehensive range of articulations and pedalling, with glisses in every key
    – Orchestral Grand Piano is a very realistic “contextual” piano designed specifically to fit proudly within your full orchestral arrangements
    – Percussion, piano and harp mic positions include C(lose), T(ree) & A(mbient), with piano also featuring O(utriggers)
    AIR Lyndhurst Hall
    The Crown, Wonder Woman 1984, The Trial of The Chicago 7, James Bond, Interstellar, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Dark Knight, Harry Potter, Gladiator — all were recorded in Lyndhurst Hall at London’s AIR Studios, Spitfire Audio’s spiritual home and a room where blockbuster scores are born. Architecturally unique, the acoustic properties of the interior of Lyndhurst Hall are renowned globally, loved by composers and musicians alike.
    What is in Spitfire Symphony Orchestra?
    Spitfire Symphony Orchestra features a full symphonic string, symphonic brass and symphonic woodwind sections including solo instruments, plus harp, piano and all core elements of percussion needed to complete the band — giving your music the professional sounds that stand out.

    Is this library from new or existing content?
    We are relaunching our cornerstone libraries, with updated UI, reviewed content and providing in a single more user friendly package.

    These libraries include Spitfire Symphonic Strings, Spitfire Symphonic Brass, Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds, Spitfire Percussion, Spitfire Harp, Orchestral Grand and Masse.

    If Spitfire Symphony Orchestra is content from existing libraries, what’s new?
    With this relaunch you can now explore the stunning performances of these incredible musicians, in one place with a new UI, a review of all sample content, all-new legatos created by Andrew Blaney, and all presented in Native Instrument’s Kontakt 7.


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