……:::::: 采样包内容 ::::::…… 充满灵魂气息的Trap和Hiphop的最新集合,可提供业内最现代的声音。Beats,808s,Basslines,旋律音色,音调和声=全部存在,并准备在您的下一个作品中进行采样。附带5个构建工具包,其中包含循环,一次射击和预设,全套工具箱可帮助您快速获得灵感。 Fresh collection of soulful Trap and Hiphop, delivering the most modern sounds in the industry. Beats, 808s, Basslines, Melodic Loops, Pitched Vocals = all there and ready to be sampled in your next productions. Coming as 5 construction kits, loaded with Loops, One Shots and Presets, the full toolbox to help you get inspired quickly.
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