Ableton Live Project Template | 568.6MB
这个项目适用于 Live 12++,并且,这个项目仅用于教育目的。
(除了 Fors 设备(Box, Romb, Superberry))
Phritz Somewhere Blue Project File (Ableton Live 12+)
vocal stems are left out for obvious reasons, but some of the vocal processing is left in the project (some of my backing vocals as well) so I hope you can get a bit of an understanding of how the processing chain looks like.
I’ve also tried making a little sheet for the essential third party plugins used in the non-frozen tracks so you can get a brief understanding of what’s going on with the sound (image attached below)oses.
lmk if any of the files are missing! (apart from the Fors devices (Box, Romb, Superberry)
hope you learn something!
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