AI智能增益向度平衡插件 HoRNet AutoGain Pro MK2 v2.0.5 [WiN+MAC] 暂无演示

AI智能增益向度平衡插件 HoRNet AutoGain Pro MK2 v2.0.5 [WiN+MAC]

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
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    版本 | v2.05
    Win 10-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 |2.1MB
    Mac11.x-14.X | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 2.9MB



    AutoGain Pro MK2 is a flexible volume automation processor with mid/side processing option. The plugin uses the same processing code of the AutoGain Pro but doubles the processing units providing two different detectors and two different processors.AutoGain Pro MK2 是一款灵活的音量自动化处理器,具有中/侧处理选项。该插件使用与 AutoGain Pro 相同的处理代码,但处理单元加倍,提供两个不同的探测器和两个不同的处理器。

    The AutoGain Pro MK2 can emulate the behaviour of the original AutoGain when set in “classic” mode, but it can also work in stereo or mid/side mode. Each of the detectors can use one of the five different source between internal or external types, each of the processors can use detector one or detector two as it source.当设置为“经典”模式时,AutoGain Pro MK2 可以模拟原始 AutoGain 的行为,但它也可以在立体声或中/侧模式下工作。每个检测器都可以使用内部或外部类型之间的五种不同源之一,每个处理器都可以使用检测器一或检测器二作为其源。

    This kind of configuration gives AutoGain Pro MK2 a very high amount of flexibility that will let you get not just basic volume automation, but features that belongs to the compressors or transient shaper realm.这种配置为 AutoGain Pro MK2 提供了非常高的灵活性,不仅可以让您获得基本的音量自动化,还可以获得属于压缩器或瞬态整形器领域的功能。

    The detectors in AutoGain Pro MK2 allows you to fine tune the control signal for the processors thanks to the attack and release controls and the high pass and low pass filters that will let you restrict the bandwidth of the signal so that only the relevant part to your task is analyzed, you can also set the level of the detector signal to increase or decrease the effect on the processor.AutoGain Pro MK2 中的探测器允许您微调处理器的控制信号,这要归功于启动和释放控制以及高通和低通滤波器,这些滤波器可以让您限制信号的带宽,以便只有与您的信号相关的部分在分析任务时,您还可以设置检测器信号的级别以增加或减少对处理器的影响。

    The control signal created by each of the detectors is then passed to one of the processors that compares it to the level of the input signal for the processor, gain is computed and applied.然后,每个检测器创建的控制信号被传递到其中一个处理器,该处理器将其与处理器的输入信号电平进行比较,计算并应用增益

    The amount of computed gain can be controlled with the “scaler” knob and limited with the “max gain” and “min gain” controls.计算增益的量可以通过“缩放器”控制,并通过“最大增益”和“最小增益”控制进行限制。

    A large display shows the graph for the gain applied and the levels of the detector, these lines are relative to the minimum and maximum gain set for each processor and can be activated or deactivated as needed.大显示屏显示所应用的增益和检测器级别的图表,这些线与每个处理器设置的最小和最大增益相关,并且可以根据需要激活或停用。

    AutoGain Pro MK2 is one of the most versatile gain processors in the market and can give you a very deep amount of control.AutoGain Pro MK2 是市场上最通用的增益处理器之一,可以为您提供非常深入的控制。

    Once you are happy with the computed gain you can trigger the automation writing mode and save the graphs movements to the host automation, set the plugin on read mode and use the stored automation from the host instead of the internal computing. Of course once the automation is written down you can edit and adjust it to taste.一旦您对计算的增益感到满意,您就可以触发自动化写入模式并将图形运动保存到主机自动化,将插件设置为读取模式并使用主机存储的自动化而不是内部计算。当然,一旦写下自动化,您就可以对其进行编辑和调整以适应口味。

    增益插件 向度插件 增益平衡插件 向度平衡 自动增益 自动向度 插件 AI智能


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