波表合成器音源 Echograin Tranzwave KONTAKT 音色库 暂无演示

波表合成器音源 Echograin Tranzwave KONTAKT 音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    KONTAKT | 65MB

    波表合成器音源 合成器kontakt音源 波表合成器kontakt音源

    隆重介绍 Tranzwave,一款强大的波表合成器,灵感来源于 90 年代末期的一位未被充分赞誉的英雄:Ensoniq Fizmo。
    灵活的调制引擎,结合创新的编辑和随机化功能,简化了新奇、创新声音的创作过程。Tranzwave 将 Fizmo 中的所有波表带入现代,为新的创意探索开辟道路。凭借其直观的界面,Tranzwave 提供了对波表和效果控制的全面掌控,让声音创作变得既有趣又简单。

    在 1990 年代末期,Ensoniq 开创了“Transwaves”,一种独特的波表合成形式,特别体现在他们的 Fizmo 合成器中。与早期有时会产生更静态或阶梯状声音的波表合成不同,Ensoniq 的技术实现了波表内不同波形之间的流畅过渡。
    这项创新促成了动态演变的音景的诞生。Ensoniq 的方法允许声音的无缝和有机变化,使音乐家能够创造出随时间变化的丰富、质感的听觉体验。这种方法提供了一种新颖的方式来探索声音的可能性,与先前像 PPG Wave 这样的波表合成器的更数字化和离散的过渡形成鲜明对比。尽管采用了 Transwaves 的 Ensoniq Fizmo 未能广为人知,但它对波表合成的独特方法标志着电子声音发展史上的重要里程碑,影响了现代合成技术。

    Tranzwave 将这种较早的、独特的波表概念,即 Transwaves,带入了现代音乐制作的时代。通过对这些 Transwaves 的每一帧进行采样,Tranzwave 提供了一个丰富且动态的声音调色板,捕捉了这些早期数字合成器的精髓。这就好比拥有一个庞大的颜色和色调库,为创造新奇和创新的声音提供了无限可能。

    Tranzwave 中的波表选择可以通过 MIDI 自动化,或者通过按下音符直接触发,消除了菜单浏览的需要,简化了浏览体验。这种实用和用户友好的方式使 Tranzwave 与其他波表合成器插件区分开来,提供了一种更直接、更直观的与声音库互动的方式。

    Tranzwave 的 FX 引擎提供了 4 个插入效果槽,可以访问所有 kontakt 效果,直至版本 7.4,包括卷积混响。Replika 延迟、Psyche 延迟、混响、环形调制、Flair、合唱和 Phasis 都配备了一系列效果预设,简化了声音修改的过程。

    Tranzwave 的随机化功能极大地简化了声音变化的创作,无需复杂的补丁设计。此功能可通过音符输入或琶音器激活。调制器和波表控制可以在随机化过程中逐步包含或排除,提供了一种表演性的方法。

    Tranzwave 的参数已经为 NKS 2 设置好,可以灵活地映射到任何 MIDI 控制器或通过宿主自动化控制。
    Echograin Tranzwave KONTAKT
    Introducing Tranzwave, a powerful wavetable Synthesizer, inspired by an unsung hero from the late 90’s: The Ensoniq Fizmo.
    The flexible modulation engine, coupled with creative editing and randomization features, simplifies the creation of new, innovative sounds. Tranzwave brings all the wavetables from the Fizmo into the modern age for new creative explorations. With its user-friendly interface, Tranzwave provides complete control over wavetable and effect controls, making the creation of new sounds both fun and easy.

    In the late 1990s Ensoniq pioneered “Transwaves”, a unique form of wavetable synthesis notably featured in their Fizmo synthesizer. Unlike earlier forms of wavetable synthesis, which could sometimes produce more static or stepped sounds, Ensoniq’s technology facilitated fluid transitions between different waveforms within a wavetable.
    This innovation led to the creation of evolving, dynamic soundscapes. Ensoniq’s approach allowed for a more seamless and organic morphing of sounds, enabling musicians to craft rich, textured audio experiences that changed over time. This method offered a fresh and novel way to explore sonic possibilities, distinguishing it from the more digital and discrete transitions of previous wavetable synthesizers like the PPG Wave. Although the Ensoniq Fizmo, which utilized Transwaves, did not achieve widespread fame, its distinctive approach to wavetable synthesis marked a significant development in the evolution of electronic sound and influenced modern synthesis techniques.

    Tranzwave brings this older, unique wavetable concept, known as Transwaves, into the modern era of music production. By sampling each frame of these Transwaves, Tranzwave offers a rich and dynamic sonic palette that captures the essence of these early digital synthesizers. It’s akin to having a vast library of colors and shades at your disposal, offering endless possibilities for creating new and innovative sounds.

    The selection of wavetables in Tranzwave can be automated via MIDI or triggered directly by pressing a note, eliminating the need for menu diving and streamlining the browsing experience. This practical and user-friendly approach distinguishes Tranzwave from other wavetable synthesizer plugins, offering a more immediate and intuitive interaction with its sound library.

    The FX Engine in Tranzwave offers 4 insert FX slots, providing access to all Kontakt effects up to version 7.4. including the Convolution Reverb. Replika Delay, Psyche Delay,Verb, Ring Mod, Flair, Choral, and Phasis come equipped with a selection of effect presets, simplifying the process of sound alterations.

    The randomization feature in Tranzwave greatly simplifies the creation of sound variations, without the need for in-depth patching. This feature can be activated by note input or an arpeggiator. Modulators and wavetable controls can be gradually included or excluded in the randomization process offering a performative approach .

    Tranzwave’s parameters are already set up for NKS 2 and offer the flexibility to be mapped to any MIDI controller or controlled via host automation.


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