中国民族打击乐/鼓风雷插件 Ample Sound Ample China TP ACTP v4.0.0 [WiN] 暂无演示

中国民族打击乐/鼓风雷插件 Ample Sound Ample China TP ACTP v4.0.0 [WiN]

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
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  • 版本 | v3.6.0
    Win 7-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 10.79GB
    Mac10.13-新系统 | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 10.79GB

    Ample China Traditional Percussion


    Ample China Traditional Percussion (ACTP) 是一个中国民族打击乐合奏组合,涵盖从低音到高音的各种乐器,包括膜、木和铜管乐器。它包括 19 个乐器插槽共 49 种打击乐器,如鼓合奏、鼓独奏、锣、钹、戏曲打击乐和人声。每种乐器都有多种发音、速度层和采样周期。
    合奏:: 郑雨、古风打击乐团
    独奏 郑雨(青年打击乐艺术家)

    打击乐合奏曲》包括鼓乐合奏、鼓乐独奏、桶鼓、小桶鼓、钹、大锣、民族鼓、唱盅、庙盅、铃铛、摇铃、戏鼓、庙幢、木幢、大戏锣、小戏锣、戏钹、拨浪鼓和人声,共 19 个乐器插槽,49 种打击乐器,使用 15 GB 采样。
    鼓合奏和鼓独奏包括中心、棍击、边缘、边缘击、边缘-中心、边缘、棍击静音、手部静音、拍击、钉击、滚动、边缘滚动和表现性滚动等衔接,总共多达 13 种衔接。其他乐器也提供多种发音。
    鼓乐合奏使用 11 个麦克风进行录音,包括左 1、左 2、中低、中高、中中、右 1、右 2、顶置和室内。鼓头和鼓边是分开录制的,共使用了 22 个麦克风。其他打击乐器使用多个麦克风录音,即使是最小的木块也使用了 4 个麦克风。

    ACTP 采用双层混音器设计。第一层是乐器音轨,每个乐器音轨包含多个麦克风音轨。这种设置是为了适应中国打击乐的多样性,因为鼓乐合奏和小型木制打击乐的麦克风配置各不相同。不过,每种打击乐器都使用相同的顶置麦克风,以确保音调的一致性。

    Riffer 打击乐版本
    – 在内置钢琴卷中快速标记发音和表情。

    – 与标准 MIDI 完全兼容,可无损导入/导出。

    – 每种预设都配有一段旋律,可让你快速了解演奏和音色特点。

    – 每个乐器槽都包含相似类型的打击乐器,在发音、速度层和采样周期方面设计一致。在同一乐器槽中切换乐器时,无需修改 MIDI。即使是鼓乐合奏与独奏,只需将 MIDI 移动一个八度,就能获得相同的效果。

    Ample Sound 将笛子、萧和二胡的连音技术引入打击乐。锣、钹、歌唱碗、寺庙碗和铃等乐器具有各种连奏表情变化,例如先敲击歌唱碗,然后连奏到歌唱(槌子在碗沿周围连续摩擦的效果)。

    每种打击乐器都有独立的 ADSR 调制系统
    每个打击乐器都有独立的 ADSR 包络调制系统,可调整音高、速度曲线等参数。

    Ample China Traditional Percussion (ACTP) presents a Chinese ethnic percussion ensemble, covering a wide range from bass to treble, including membrane, wood, and brass instruments. It includes 19 instrument slots totaling 49 percussion instruments, such as drum ensemble, solo drum, gongs, cymbals, opera percussion, and vocals. Each instrument features multiple articulations, velocity layers, and sample cycles.

    Ensemble: : Zheng Yu and Gufeng Percussion Ensemble
    Lead Soloist: Zheng Yu (Young Percussion Artist)

    The ACTP features Drum Ensembles, Solo Drums, Pitched Barrel Drums, Small Barrel Drum, Cymbals, Large Gong, Ethnic Drum, Singing Bowl, Temple Bowl, Bells, Shaking Bells, Opera Drum, Temple Block, Wood Block, Large Opera Gong, Small Opera Gong, Opera Cymbals, Rattle Drum, and vocals — a total of 19 instrument slots with 49 percussion instruments, using 15 GB of samples.
    The drum ensembles and solo drums include articulations such as Center, Stick, Rim, Rimshot, Edge-Center, Edge, muting with Stick, muting with Hand, Slap, Nails, Roll, Rims Roll, and Expressive Roll — up to 13 articulations in total. Other instruments also offer multiple articulations.
    The drum ensemble is recorded with 11 microphones, including Left 1, Left 2, Mid Low, Mid High, Mid Mid, Right 1, Right 2, Overhead, and Room. The drum head and rim were recorded separately, with a total of 22 microphones. Other percussion instruments are recorded with multiple microphones, Even the smallest wood block used 4 microphones.

    Main Features:
    Dual-Layer Mixer
    The ACTP adopts a dual-layer mixer design. The first layer is the instrument track, and each instrument track contains multiple microphone tracks. This setup is to adapt to the diverse nature of Chinese percussion, as the miking configuration for drum ensembles and small wood percussion differs. However, every percussion instrument uses the same overhead microphones to ensure tonal consistency.

    Percussion Version of Riffer
    – Quickly mark articulations and expressions in the built-in piano roll.

    – Fully compatible with standard MIDI, with lossless import/export.

    – Each preset is accompanied by a riff, presenting a quick overview of the performances and sound characteristics.

    – Each instrument slot contains similar types of percussion with consistent design in terms of articulations, velocity layers, and sample cycles. When switching between instruments in the same slot, there is no need to modify the MIDI. Even for drum ensemble vs. solo, simply shifting the MIDI by an octave can achieve the same performance.

    Ample Sound’s legato technology from Dizi, Xiao, and Erhu is introduced to percussion. Instruments like Gongs, Cymbals, Singing Bowls, Temple Bowls, and Bells feature various legato expression changes, such as striking a Singing Bowl first and then legato into a Sing (the effect of a mallet rubbing continuously around the rim).

    Independent ADSR Modulation System for Each Percussion
    Each percussion has an independent ADSR envelope modulation system, allowing for adjustments of parameters like pitch, velocity curve, and more.

    中国民族打击乐 大鼓音源 大鼓插件 鼓音源



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