中国民族乐器/大笛龙吟/笛子插件 Ample Sound Ample China Dadi ACDD v1.0.1 [WiN] 暂无演示

中国民族乐器/大笛龙吟/笛子插件 Ample Sound Ample China Dadi ACDD v1.0.1 [WiN]

¥12.8 金币
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  • Windows+MacOSX
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  • 版本 | v1.0.1
    Win 7-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 5.26GB
    Mac10.13-新系统 | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 5.26GB

    Ample China Dadi (ACDD) 建立在最新开发的木管乐器采样引擎上,拥有 5.8 GB 的采样,包括头部和身体发音、特效音效以及精选的即兴乐段。
    演奏者 丁小奎(中国民族管弦乐团)
    乐器 龙的传人》C D E F G 调 5 大调式(董学华大师制作)

    使用 5 个麦克风(前置、中置、后置、立体声环境)录音。每个麦克风音量均可调节,并配有通道均衡器。
    3 种麦克风模式: 单声道、现代和传统,能设计出丰富多彩的声音。
    有 3 种发音组:头部组(蓝色按键开关)、身体组(黄色按键开关)和特效组(红色按键开关)。每组占一个八度音阶。


    木管乐器具有极大的动态范围和音色变化。样本库提供 5 个速度层,音色从轻微柔和到明亮有力。
    其中有用于表情发音的速度层,2 个用于颤音发音的速度层,以及真实的颤音样本。与 SAHDS 虚拟调制系统配合使用,它们可以创建生动逼真的音符。

    采样长度平均约为 8 秒。在大多数情况下,它可以满足音符的要求。如果需要更长的音符,用户可以打开采样循环功能。


    体组可用于无尽衔接连奏。例如,您可以从 Sustain 开始,按住该音符,然后按 Expression 键钮 (C1) 为 Expression 音符演奏连奏;然后按 Marking 键钮 (E1) 为 Marking 音符演奏连奏,再按 Laying 键钮 (F1) 为 Laying 音符演奏连奏,以此类推。

    在音符响起时按下按键开关,将反转当前位置的采样。例如,它可以将 “上滑音 ”变为 “下滑音”,或将 “慢-快颤音 ”变为 “快-慢颤音”。它还可用于控制音符的持续体,如表情。

    独立于声部的 SAHDS 调制系统:
    每个声部都有自己的 SAHDS 调制包络线。




    没有风声的木管乐器声音非常纯净。适度控制 Wind 的音量,并在演奏过程中做出一些改变,可以增加 “脏 ”的感觉和气息,提高逼真度。

    高阶 8 段均衡器,直观的频率响应控制,输入和输出频谱的实时可视化,支持单段独奏。
    2 线压缩器,输入和输出信号实时可视化,RMS 和 Peak 两种检测模式,支持软膝音、自动释放和自动化妆。
    6 抽头回声:实时显示立体声信号的处理过程,可单独调整 6 个回声点的参数:反馈、平移、音量等。
    红外混响,提供四种红外类型: 房间、工作室、大厅和更大的大厅。红外频谱三维可视化。

    Ample China Dadi (ACDD) is built on the latest development of the Woodwind Sample Engine, with 5.8 GB samples, including head and body articulations, FX sounds, as well as a select collection of improvised licks.

    The Artist: Xiaokui Ding (China National Traditional Orchestra)
    The Instrument: The Singing of Dragon C D E F G key 5 Dadis (Xuehua Dong Masterbuilt)

    Recorded with 5 mics (Front, Middle, Back, Stereo Ambient). Each mic volume is adjustable and equipped with channel EQ.
    3 Mic modes: Mono, Modern and Traditional, capable of colorful sound designs.
    There are 3 kinds of articulations – Head Group (blue keyswitches), Body Group (yellow keyswithces) and Special Effect Group (red keyswitches). Each group occupies one octave.
    The head group is used to perform grace notes at head. Articulations with more grace notes are assigned to higher keyswitches; Ascending and descending articulations are close together.

    The body group can not only perform grace notes at head, but can also be used for articulation legatos to express changes of the sound body.

    The woodwinds have great dynamic range and timbre variation. The sample library provides 5 velocity layers, with sound from mildly soft to bright and strong.
    There are velocity layers for Expression articulation, 2 velocity layers for Vibrato articulation, and real samples of Trill sounds. Together with SAHDS virtual modulation system, they can create vivid and realistic notes.
    Note velocity is used to control the start time of Expression and Vibrato articulations, to generate slowly developing notes or strong notes.

    The sample length is about 8 seconds on average. In most cases, it can meet the requirements of a note. If longer notes are needed, users can turn on the Sample Loop function.

    Intelligent Legato System
    The Auto Legato System detects the duration of each note. For legatos whose duration is less than this value, only the straight legato will be triggered to ensure that no unwanted grace notes are generated during fast performance.

    Endless Articulation Legato:
    The body group can be used for endless articulation legatos. For example, you can start with a Sustain, hold the note, then play the Expression Keyswitch (C1) to play legato to an Expression note; then play Marking keyswitch (E1) to play legato to a Marking note, and then press Laying keyswitch (F1) to play legato to a Laying note, and so on.

    Creative Mirroring Feature:
    Playing the keyswitch when a note is sounding will reverse the sample at current position. It changes for example a Slide Up to Slide Down, or a Slow-Fast Vibrato to Fast-Slow Vibrato. It can also be used to control the sustained body of notes like Expression.

    Voice independent SAHDS Modulation System:
    Each voice has its on SAHDS modulation envelope.

    You can get natural and realistic vibratos while keeping the Mod wheel in one position.

    The mod speed, gain, and pitch can also be adjusted.

    Adjustable Wind Effect:
    The Wind is the sound of air blowing in the Woodwind tube. We extracted this sound from each real sample to enable the independent control of this element.

    The sound of the woodwind without the Wind is very pure. Moderately control the volume of the Wind, and make some changes during the performance, can increase the feeling of “dirty” and breath, and improve the realism.

    Other new features include sample skipping technology, random articulation, keyboard mode for playing chords etc.
    High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
    2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
    6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
    IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.


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