中国民族乐器/古琴音源插件 Ample Sound Ample China Guqin ACGQ v1.0.0 [WiN] 暂无演示

中国民族乐器/古琴音源插件 Ample Sound Ample China Guqin ACGQ v1.0.0 [WiN]

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • 版本 | v1.0.0
    Win 7-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 12.01GB
    Mac10.13-新系统 | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 12.01GB

    Ample China Guqin (ACGQ) 以神农形古琴为样本,包含 12 GB 样本,包括琴头、琴身、辅助组的发音、特效音效,以及精选的即兴演奏曲目。
    为了实现 7 弦 Riffer 的特性,古琴上的每一根琴弦都经过了完整采样。

    演奏者 宁璐。


    Windows 7/8/10/11,64 位 Windows 7/8/10/11,仅限 64 位。
    苹果电脑 10.9 或更新版本。
    VST2、VST3、AU、AAX 和独立主机(矩形)
    英特尔 i5 或更高版本
    iLok 反盗版系统,需要一个免费的 iLok 账户。许可证可存储在本地机器上,无需 iLok 加密狗,也可存储在第二代/第三代 iLok 加密狗上。


    有 3 个衔接组(头部、身体和辅助),共包含 17 个衔接。

    头部组 延音、自然和声、短颤音、从下滑入、从下慢速滑入、从上滑入。

    主体组 连奏滑升、连奏滑降、滑升和滑回、滑降和滑回、颤音、可变颤音、虚拟滑音。

    辅助组 开放+滑入、滑音、乐句。
    使用 5 个麦克风(左 1、右 1、左 2、右 2 和中间)录音。每个话筒音量均可调节,并配有通道均衡器。提供 5 种麦克风模式: 提供 5 种麦克风模式:AB1、AB2、AB3、MS1 和 MS2,能设计出丰富多彩的声音。


    专为古琴设计的 7 弦 Riffer 是 ACGQ 的核心功能。

    – 在 Riffer 中,用户可以轻松高效地设计古琴的指法位置、发音、连音和表情。

    – 用户可将 Riff 拖入 DAW 的 MIDI 音轨,实现与 Riffer 内部播放相同的精确播放。

    – ACGQ 中的每个预置都包含一个 Riffer 演示。通过这些预置,用户可以快速了解古琴的演奏特点和技术特征。
    古琴调音系统: 开弦音符与压弦音符的音色差别很大。为确保每个调都有开弦,古琴需要对每个调进行调音。ACGQ 提供便捷高效的调音系统。
    3 种演奏模式: 乐器模式、键盘模式和开弦模式。
    独立于声部的 SAHDS 调制系统、

    ACGQ 将根据 SAHDS 调制系统,以设置中设定的速度触发琴弦滚动噪音。


    高阶 8 段均衡器,直观控制频率响应,实时显示输入和输出频谱,支持单段独奏。
    双线压缩器,输入和输出信号实时可视化,RMS 和 Peak 两种检测模式,支持软膝音、自动释放和自动化妆。
    6 抽头回声:实时显示立体声信号的处理过程,可单独调整 6 个回声点的参数:反馈、平移、音量等。
    红外混响,提供四种红外类型: 房间、工作室、大厅和更大的大厅。红外频谱三维可视化。

    Ample China Guqin (ACGQ) is sampled on a Shennong-shape Guqin with 12 GB samples, including Head, Body, and Auxiliary group articulations, FX sounds, as well as a select collection of improvised licks. its tone is classical and rich.

    To realize the features of a 7-string Riffer, every single string on the Guqin has been completely sampled.

    The Artist: Ning Lu.

    System Requirements:

    Windows: Windows 7/8/10/11, 64-bit only.
    Mac: 10.9 or newer versions.
    VST2, VST3, AU, AAX and Standalone host (Rectangles)
    Intel i5 or higher
    iLok Anti-Piracy system, which requires a free iLok account. The license can be stored on the local machine without an iLok dongle, or on 2nd/3rd generation iLok dongle.


    There are 3 articulation groups (Head, Body, and Auxiliary), consisting of 17 articulations in total.

    Head Group: Sustain, Natural Harmonic, Short Tremolo, Slide In from Below, Slow Slide In from Below, Slide in from Above.

    Body Group: Legato Slide Up, Legato Slide Down, Slide Up and Return, Slide Down and Return, Vibrato, Variable Vibrato, Virtual Portamento.

    Auxiliary Group: Open + Slide In, Glissando, Phrase.
    Recorded with 5 mics (Left 1, Right 1, Left 2, Right 2 and Middle). Each mic volume is adjustable and equipped with channel EQ. Providing 5 Mic modes: AB1, AB2, AB3, MS1 and MS2, capable of colorful sound designs.


    The 7-string Riffer, specifically designed for the Guqin, is the core functionality of the ACGQ.

    – In the Riffer, users can easily and efficiently design the fingering positions, articulations, legatos, and expressions for the Guqin.

    – Users can drag the riff into the MIDI track of the DAW and achieve accurate playback which is the same as the internal playback in the Riffer.

    – Each preset in ACGQ contains a Riffer demo. Through these presets, users can quickly understand the playing characteristics and technical features of the Guqin.
    Guqin Tuning System: The Open string notes differ significantly in timbre from the pressed notes. To ensure that there are open strings available in every key, the Guqin requires tuning adjustments for each key. ACGQ offers a convenient and efficient tuning system.
    3 play modes: Instrument Mode, Keyboard Mode, and Open String Mode.
    Infinite legatos with the Body Group.
    Voice independent SAHDS Modulation System,

    ACGQ will trigger the string-rolling noise at the speed set in the Settings, in accordance with the SAHDS Modulation System.


    High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
    2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
    6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
    IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.


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