MPC Expansion – | WAV | XPN | 976.2MB
MPC扩展包:黑洞 – 来自宇宙前沿的87个低音和垫音 适合梦想和恐惧的垫音,适合冲刺和放松的低音,适合刮擦或悬浮的合成器…从斜角到明亮,这87个史诗般的声音具有矛盾而复杂的特点,同时又是球形和直接的,是 Chillwave 、 Ambient 、 Trip-Hop 、Eternal Electro 和其他星际风格的基础。必备!
639 MB内容
与Akai独立型号MPC One、X、Live、Live mkII、Force以及Touch、Renaissance、MPC Beats和软件兼容
Beat MPC Expansion Black Hole
MPC Expansion: BLACK HOLE – 87 basses and pads from the frontier of the universe
Pads for dreaming and dreading, basses to rush ahead and lean back, synths to scrape or hover… monumental and with very distinct character from oblique to brillant. The 87 epic sounds of Event Horizon are paradoxic and complex, spheric and direct at once, the perfect base for Chillwave, Ambient, Trip-Hop, Eternal Electro and other intergalactic styles. A must-have!
Product details:
639 MB of content
435 samples
87 keygroup programs
Audio previews
Compatible with Akai standalone models MPC One, X, Live, Live mkII, Force, as well as Touch, Renaissance, MPC Beats and Software
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