版本 | v1.0.2
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST3 | 75MB
Mac11.x-新系统 | AAX | VST3 | 221MB
这款插件是对备受追捧的Undertone Audio UnFairchild 670M mkII 变动参数压缩器的精心复刻。
这是MIXLAND与Eric Valentine合作设计和开发的结果,整个过程从测试和测量开始,然后通过反复的聆听、实验、调整和优化,历时超过六个月。最终成果是一款毫无疑问地捕捉到了硬件独特氛围和特性的插件。
UnFairchild 670M II插件的功能和控制选项与硬件相同,并增加了一些新功能。我们添加了输出电平控制、干湿混合控制以及整体THD(总谐波失真)控制。整体THD控制允许您增加或减少具有UnFairchild风格的THD特性。
This plugin is a painstaking recreation of the coveted Undertone Audio UnFairchild 670M mkII Vari-Mu Compressor.
A design and development collaboration between MIXLAND and Eric Valentine, it is a process that starts with testing and measuring then, listening and experimenting and tweaking and refining over and over and over for over 6 months. The result is a plugin that unquestionably captures the unique vibe and character of the hardware.
Now we can all enjoy the magic and mojo of the classic UnFairchild sound in plugin form.
The features and controls for the UnFairchild 670M II plugin are the same as the hardware, with a few additions. We added an Output Level Control, Wet/Dry Mix control, and an Overall THD control. The Overall THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) control allows you to increase or decrease the amount of UnFairchild style THD character.”
From nfo:
64-bit: (VST3, AAX)
Nothing is cracked, just install and check Serials.txt for activation
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