Orb Trumpets 是一款概念验证的发行版,它完全由现场演奏制作而成。
在位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的 Orb 录音棚录制 — 目标是创建一款小号补丁,采用我们的 Adventure 风格编程技术,通过短语样本达到更加自然的声音效果。虽然编程和调校起来更具挑战性,但最终呈现出来的流畅度令人信服。
与我们大型的管弦乐发行版一样,Adventure 风格的编程无需使用键位开关。对于较快的音符,建议在 1-100 的力度范围内演奏。对于较长的音符,101-127 的力度范围则提供了稍宽一些的起音。在这两个力度范围之间切换可以有效模拟铜管乐手在不同短语中塑造特定音符的方式。
– Adventure 工作马
– Adventure (FFF 持续层)
– 断奏与断音连奏 (力度切换)
– 断奏与断音连奏 (调制轮切换)
– 上述补丁的无滤波器版本
– 双小号部分
– 无需键位开关的 “Adventure” 编程
– 两种力度敏感的起音类型
– 完全基于演奏采样的采样
– 更紧凑的录音棚录制
– 人工调音至理想状态 — 不做破坏性调音
– 自定义大厅混响脉冲,可调节
– Adventure 工作马补丁非常适合大多数小号写作需求,动态范围从中弱到极强。Adventure (FFF 持续层) 补丁在动态范围的高端增加了一个额外的持续层,在这里演奏者们充分展示了他们的高音量技巧。非常适合那些需要展现强烈表现力的时刻。
对于断奏与断音连奏补丁,快速释放音符即可触发释放样本。对于力度切换补丁,调制轮控制动态,力度 1-100 触发断音连奏样本,而 101-127 则触发断奏样本。对于调制轮切换补丁,力度控制动态,而调制轮允许您在断音连奏(向下)和断奏(向上)之间切换。
无滤波器文件夹补丁是为少数可能对某些 KONTAKT 滤波器(如 CPU 突升等)较为敏感的数字音频工作站设置准备的。
Musical Sampling Atelier Series Orb Trumpets KONTAKT
Orb Trumpets is a proof-of-concept release that is created entirely out of performances.
Recorded in Orb Studios in Austin, TX – the goal was to create a trumpet patch that took our Adventure-style programming techniques to a more natural-sounding level using Samples derived from phrases. It’s trickier to program and hone, but the resulting fluidity is compelling.
Like our larger orchestral releases, the Adventure-style programming requires no keyswitching. For quicker notes, you’re going to want to play within the 1-100 velocity range. For longer notes, 101-127 provides a slightly broader attack. Switching between the two provides an effective approximation of how brass players tend to shape certain notes within a variety of phrases.
Tuning was lightly done to taste instead of destructively tuning it with software. We retained the natural biases in intonation up the range/dynamics while pulling in the more squirrely notes, resulting in a more natural temperament.
– Adventure Workhorse
– Adventure (FFF Sus Layer)
– Stac & Stacmo (VEL Switching)
– Stac & Stacmo (MW Switching)
– No Filter versions of above
– Two-trumpet section
– Keyswitch-less “Adventure” programming
– Two velocity-sensitive attack types
– Entirely performance-sourced sampling
– Tighter studio recordings
– Hand-tuned to taste — no destructive tuning
– Adjustable reverb of custom hall impulse
The Adventure Workhorse patch is great for most trumpet-writing needs with a dynamic range going from mezzo-piano to fortissimo. The Adventure (FFF Sus Layer) patch includes an additional sustain layer at the top of the dynamic range where the players went properly ham with the volume. Good for those hammy moments.
For both Stac & Stacmo patches, release the notes quickly to activate the release samples. For the VEL Switching patch, the modwheel controls dynamics and playing velocities 1-100 will trigger staccatissimo samples while 101-127 will trigger staccato samples. For the MW Switching patch, velocity controls the dynamics while the modwheel allows you to switch between staccatissimo (down) and staccato (up).
The No Filter folder patches are for the rare few whose DAW setups may be a bit sensitive to certain Kontakt filters (CPU spikes n’ such).
This library is recorded relatively dry but treats well to external reverb setups. Slap an early reflection plugin then pipe that puppy into your favorite hall verb!
Requires FULL retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher!
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