Brass Swells 是一个旨在创造带有动感音乐的精彩表演合集。该库在 British Grove Studios 由 Nick Wollage 录制,并由精心挑选的伦敦顶尖铜管演奏家集体演奏。
该库包含 5 种核心演奏法,可以调整为 5 种不同的小节长度,为轻松构建自己的作品和配器提供了终极工具箱。该库包括 Normale、Loud、Pulse、Mute 和 Air,非常适合创作从柔和细腻的背景音乐到宏大壮观的电影配乐的各种音乐。该库具备 Legato 和 Retongue 控制功能,提供了塑造和控制声音的终极灵活性。
– 乐器:2 支小号、2 支法国圆号、长号、低音长号、大号
– 产品范围:Swells
– 麦克风位置:近场单声道、近场立体声、中间、远场、混音
– 预设:172 个原创 NKI 和快照
– 文件格式:NKI
– 文件大小:4.10 GB
Sonixinema Brass Swells v1.0.1 KONTAKT – 4,41 GB
Movement At Your Fingertips
Brass Swells is a collection of breathtaking performances designed to create music with movement. The library was recorded at British Grove Studios by Nick Wollage and performed by a hand-picked collective of London’s finest brass players.
Featuring a collection of 5 core articulations which can be shaped to 5 different bar lengths, it provides the ultimate tool kit to build your own compositions and orchestrations with ease. The library features Normale, Loud, Pulse, Mute and Air, which are perfect for creating anything from soft, delicate underscore to large, epic‑sounding film scores. Featuring legato and retongue control, the library offers ultimate flexibility to shape and control your sound.
– Instrument: 2 Trumpets, 2 French Horns, Trombone, Bass Trombone, Tuba
– Product Range: Swells
– Microphone Positions: Close Mono, Close Stereo, Mid, Far, Mix
– Presets: 172 Original NKIs & Snapshots
– File Format: NKI
– Size: 4.10 GB
Works with NI Kontakt Player or NI Kontakt FULL v6.7 and higher!
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