从刺耳的前奏到震撼的旋律,Electric Storm Deluxe 释放出一把优质八弦电吉他的全部力量和音域。它专为金属、摇滚、工业及其他领域的激烈音效而打造,可提供雷鸣般的低频颤音、高亢的独奏以及介于两者之间的所有音效。无论您是在喧闹的人群中还是在戏剧性的电影片段中创作,Electric Storm Deluxe 都能为您提供极具冲击力的音色。
利用 270 种可演奏的模式,创造出无情的旋律和撕裂般的独奏
利用由 Guitar Rig 7 Pro 提供的高级放大器和踩踏箱模拟,塑造任何音色
Electric Storm Deluxe 从 Framus Custom Shop Panthera 上精心取样,保留了震撼的低音和锐利的精度。它配备了两个拾音器和一个安装在琴弦上方的额外麦克风,擅长演奏高增益音色和尖锐的捏和声,并可在琴颈、琴桥和中间位置之间灵活切换。它的 24 个音格为富有表现力的独奏和复杂的旋律提供了无与伦比的音域。
探索两种演奏模式:一个基于模式的引擎,用于制作即兴旋律;一个旋律模式,用于逐个音符地创作复杂的独奏和领奏。这两种乐器无缝集成,让你能在快速、重型 Riff 和自定义独奏之间切换,为你提供制作极具震撼力的吉他部分所需的一切。
可浏览 270 种节奏和弹奏模式,从快速的 16 音节奏到复杂的扫弦、哑音弹奏和快速敲击。附带的乐句和和弦进行支持 MIDI 拖放,可在 DAW 中进一步编辑,让你从中获得灵感。调整摇摆、人性化和重音,以获得自然的感觉,而引擎可提供逼真的锤音、拉音、滑音、敲击以及揉弦和重击棒选项。
54 种预设音色可供选择,包括清音、紧缩、高增益、主音、调制和 SFX/记谱,或使用两个 DI 信号和一个麦克风信号制作自定义音色。通过虚拟放大器、音箱、踩踏箱和录音室效果器(如压缩器、均衡器、混响、失真、调制和延时),在多达三个并行链中传递你的声音。新音箱模型、自定义扬声器红外和并行音箱链为音效设计提供了无限可能。
需要 NI KONTAKT FULL 或 Kontakt Player v8.1.0 及更高版本!
NI Session Guitarist Electric Storm Deluxe KONTAKT josenacha | 17/12/2024 | 19.59 GB
Drop-tuned devastation
From piercing leads to crushing riffs, Electric Storm Deluxe unleashes the full power and range of a premium eight-string electric guitar. Built for the fierce sounds of metal, rock, industrial, and beyond, it delivers thunderous low-end chugs, soaring solos, and everything in between. Whether you’re writing for the mosh pit or dramatic movie moments, Electric Storm Deluxe gives you high-impact tones on demand.
Eight-string metal guitar
The powerful low end of a drop-tuned eight-string electric guitar spanning five octaves
Craft relentless riffs and shredding solos with 270 playable patterns
Shape any tone with advanced amp and stompbox emulations powered by Guitar Rig 7 Pro
Power and precision
Electric Storm Deluxe has been meticulously sampled from a Framus Custom Shop Panthera to preserve its earth-shattering lows and razor-sharp precision. Equipped with two pickups and an additional microphone mounted above the strings, it excels at high-gain tones and screeching pinch harmonics, with flexible switching between neck, bridge, and middle positions. Its 24 frets unlock unparalleled range for expressive solos and intricate melodies.
Two ways to play
Explore two performance modes: a pattern-based engine for crafting instant riffs and a melody mode for composing intricate solos and lead lines note-by-note. Seamlessly integrated, these two instruments allow you to switch between fast and heavy riffs and custom solos, giving you everything needed to create high-impact guitar parts.
Authentic riffs and melodies
Browse 270 riffs and picking patterns, from fast 16th-note rhythms to intricate sweeps, muted strumming, and rapid tapping. Get inspired by included phrases and chord progressions that support MIDI drag-and-drop for further editing in your DAW. Adjust swing, humanize, and accents for a natural feel, while the engine delivers lifelike hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, tapping, as well as vibrato and whammy bar options.
Build your own rig
Choose from 54 sound presets across categories like clean, crunch, high-gain, lead, modulation, and SFX/scoring, or craft custom tones with two DI signals and a microphone signal. Route your sound through up to three parallel chains with virtual amps, cabinets, stompboxes, and studio effects like compressors, EQ, reverb, distortion, modulation, and delay. New amp models, custom speaker IRs, and parallel amp chains unlock endless sound design possibilities.
Requires NI Kontakt FULL or Kontakt Player v8.1.0 and higher!
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