版本 | v1.0.5
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 44MB
Mac11.x-新系统 | AU | VST | VST3 | 116MB
Acon Digital Remix提供VST、VST3和AAX插件,适用于Windows和Mac系统,以及适用于Mac的AU插件。Windows版提供32位和64位版本。Mac版为64位,并在苹果Silicon和Intel处理器上本地运行。
Stem separation plug-in that let’s you remix vocals, piano, bass, drums and other instruments – all in real time!
Remix is the first plug-in capable of separating instrument groups in a mix – so called stems – in real-time with an acceptable latency. Remix uses cutting edge technology based on artificial intelligence to separate complete mixes into five stems – Vocals, Piano, Bass, Drums and Other. These stems can be remixed so that you can easily increase the level of the vocals, reduce the level of the drums or even create a karaoke version.
Remix lets you control the sensitivity of the detection for each separate stem so that you can find the optimal balance between artifacts and spill. All the parameters are fully automatable.
In addition to the output with the signal mix, Remix offers separate outputs for each stem. You can route the outputs to separate tracks if your host allows it, thus making it possible to use insert effects as if you had five separate tracks.
Acon Digital Remix is available as VST, VST3 or AAX for both Windows and Mac or as AU plug-ins for Mac. There are 32 and 64 bit versions for Windows. The Mac version is 64 bit and runs natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel processors.
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