版本 | v2.0.2
Win 10-11 | VST3 | 538MB
Mac11.x-新系统 | AU | VST | VST3 | 1.15GB
扩展软合成器插件(ESP)可在您最喜爱的DAW中复制MONTAGE M,从而改变录音音乐家的游戏规则。。
・ 移动性极强–只需一台笔记本电脑,即可实现 MONTAGE M 的全部功能。
所有设置都保存在 DAW 项目中,便于随时调用。
・ 只要电脑规格允许,可以在任意数量的 ESP 上启动。
・ 可在电脑大屏幕上编辑更多信息。
新的 ESP 插件是一款独立的合成器软件,可在您喜爱的 DAW 中复制 Montage M 的声音引擎。简而言之,您可以将 Montage M 作为虚拟乐器用于 Ableton Live、Logic Pro…
即使没有连接,它也能为你提供与硬件相同的引擎,包括全新的 AN-X。当你移动时,Montage M 在舞台上或录音室里,非常方便。这样,你就能随时随地获得音效。
另外,你还可以使用 ESP 软合成器制作新音色,并将其导出到硬件上,反之亦然。这样,你就可以在工作室里访问另一个 Montage M,并带走你的声音。
* 无需使用 SteinbergActivationManage。
* 加载速度比合法版本更快。
* 与其他合法 Silk 和 Silk 驱动的应用程序无兼容性问题。
阅读附带的 R2R.txt 了解如何安装。
阅读我们模拟器的 NFO,了解更多关于我们发布的模拟器的信息。
V2.0.1 至 V2.0.2
修正了当处理精度设置为 64 位浮点且缓冲区大小设置为 2048 或更大时,Cubase 会崩溃的问题。
A game-changer for recording musicians, the Expanded Softsynth Plugin (ESP) replicates the MONTAGE M in your favorite DAW.
Free for all registered MONTAGE M owners, the ESP allows you to create, edit and mix MONTAGE M Performances anywhere you happen to be – without the hardware.
No other competitor has this level of seamless integration.
Advantage of ESP (software)
・ Ultimate mobility – You can realize all of MONTAGE M just by laptop.
・ Ultimate Work Efficiency – Offline processing, rendering.
・ All settings are saved in your DAW project for easy totall recall.
・ Can be launched on any number of ESP as long as your PC specifications allow.
・ Can be edited more information on the large PC screen.
The new ESP plugin is a standalone software Synthesizer that replicates the Montage M sound engine in your favorite DAW. In easy, you get the Montage M as a virtual instrument for Ableton Live, Logic Pro…
It gives you in your hands the same engines as in the hardware, including the new AN-X, even without it being connected. Very handy when you are on the move, and your Montage M is on stage or in the studio. So you always have the sounds with you.
Also neat, you can make new sounds with the ESP soft synth and export them to the hardware or vice versa. So you can visit another Montage M in his studio and take your sounds with you.
* No SteinbergActivationManage is required.
* Loads fster than legit version.
* No compatibility issue with other legit Silk and Silk powered apps.
Read included R2R.txt to see how to install.
Read NFO of our emulator to know more about our emulator release.
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