Jam Bass 以其标志性的偏移式低音吉他经典音色为特色,搭载双被动单线圈拾音器,为你的音乐注入独特魅力。通过 280+ 种可演奏的节奏型和乐句,你可以快速为任何风格的音乐创作低音部分,同时还能自由演奏和定制属于你的独奏旋律和低音线。
Jam Bass 采样自一款美国制造的经典双拾音器低音吉他,为你带来其标志性的音色:顺滑温暖的音质、清晰的中频以及深沉而富有共鸣的低频。无论是精心雕琢的爵士乐句、紧凑的放克节奏,还是强劲的摇滚即兴段,这款精心采样的乐器都能提供极致的灵活性和丰富的音色表现,成为数十年来传奇音乐人的必备之选。
NI Session Bassist Jam Bass v1.0.1 KONTAKT
Flexible bass tones
The classic sound of an iconic offset bass guitar featuring dual passive single-coil pickups
Quickly write bass parts in any genre with over 280 playable patterns and phrases
Perform and customise your own solo melodies and basslines
The bass that can do it all
Delivering the unmistakable sound of a classic dual-pickup bass guitar, Jam Bass Samples a stunning USA-made model, bringing its smooth warmth, articulate mids, and deep, resonant lows to your productions. Whether you’re crafting intricate jazz lines, tight funk grooves, or driving rock riffs, this meticulously sampled instrument provides the flexibility and tonal richness that has made it a staple for legendary players for decades.
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