– 20 Psytrance Construction Kits
– All WAV Files 24-Bit
– Wet & Dry Loops For Each Kit
– 140 BPM
– Key Labelled On Each Kit Folder
– 100% Royalty Free
– 834 Total Kit Files
– 662 Total WAV Files (24-Bit)
– 86 MIDI Files
– 21 Spire Presets (3 Arps, 6 Leads, 4 Pads, 4 Basses, 3 Zaps, 1 Acid)
– 45 Sylenth Presets (7 Arps, 11 Leads, 16 Zaps, 11 Acids)
– 20 Serum Presets (16 Basses, 2 Leads, 2 Zaps)
– 20 Mixdown Demos
– 40 Kick Loops (20 Compressed & 20 Uncompressed)
– 86 Percussion Loops
– 126 Zap Loops
– 120 Bass Loops
– 114 Lead Loops
– 72 Acid Loops
– 60 Arp Loops
– 24 Pad Loops
请使用Spire v1.1.15或更高版本,Serum v1.24b8或更高版本,并与Sylenth v2.21Beta和Sylenth v3.05或更高版本兼容。保持软件合法和最新,以免在加载新预设时出现任何问题。
Mainroom Warehouse的’Insane Psytrance’具有20个带有WAV和MIDI的Psytrance施工套件,以及21个尖顶,20个Serum和45个Sylenth预设。这些打歌者将为您的下一个曲目带来灵感,或者将您当前的项目带入一个新的方向。
‘Insane Psytrance’ by Mainroom Warehouse features 20 Psytrance Construction Kits with WAV & MIDI, plus 21 Spire, 20 Serum & 45 Sylenth Presets. These songstarters will spark ideas for your next track or can take your current projects in a new direction.
Each kit includes all drum parts from kick (compressed & not compressed) to several percussion loops, and both wet and dry loops are provided for all the main parts, as well as the MIDI parts and a mixdown demo for each Kit. The Presets from Spire, Sylenth and Serum will help you replicate the sounds from the demo. Each Kit gives you song ideas to start your next Psytrance smash hit including acids, arp, basses, leads, pads & zaps.
The MIDI files are a great source of inspiration and can also help less experienced producers learn how these Kits have been constructed. Change and tweak the MIDI to your own taste.
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