插件联盟Plugin Alliance Lindell Audio TE-100 v1.1.1 Win+Mac EQ均衡 效果器 AAX AU VST VST3 插件 暂无演示

插件联盟Plugin Alliance Lindell Audio TE-100 v1.1.1 Win+Mac EQ均衡 效果器 AAX AU VST VST3 插件

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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    Win 7-10 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 16MB

    Mac 12-15 | OSX 11 | AU | VST | VST3 | 22MB


    原始的KLEIN&HUMMELUE-100®EQ非常罕见且昂贵。但是拥有12项格莱美冠军和35项提名的Rafa Sardina拥有其中的10项!

    一段时间以来,必须针对每种硬件均衡器的特定目的进行开发,要求工程师将一个信号链中的不同均衡器类型组合在一起,以便在任何给定源上获得所需的频率响应。在处理这些声音时,他们将不得不接受由此产生的相位和互调失真的必要危害。1961年发行时,Klein&Hummel UE-100通用均衡器改变了这一切。


    K&H的电子管供电的通用声音和创新行为现在以插件形式提供给您。Lindell TE-100是原始硬件EQ提供的所有甜味和咸味频率处理的精确仿真。只需按下界面上的按钮和全管式过滤器旁路,TE-100便会以完美无缺的真实感再现德国的这段音频历史。仅在现在,一对立体声音响不会花费您10,000美元。


    TE-100插件还添加了一些有用的额外功能,可帮助改善数字环境中的工作流程:利用电平校准,内部过采样调整和模拟模式(可添加其他音色),在各种混音情况下保持完全控制和本底噪声取自原始设备。以0.5 dB的步长进行精确的增益调整,与通过原始硬件的旋钮提供的2 dB到3 dB的分辨率形成对比。使用Lindell TE-100,原始通用均衡器的遗留物可以以便捷的数字形式带入您的DAW,而这种形式对于硬件来说是真实的。

    The original KLEIN & HUMMEL UE-100® EQs are extremely rare and expensive. But Rafa Sardina – who has 12 Grammy wins and 35 nominations – owns 10 of them!
    What is so special about this weird and wonderful device?

    For some time, hardware equalizers had to each be developed with a specific purpose in mind, requiring engineers to combine different EQ types in one signal chain in order to achieve the frequency response they needed on any given source. They would have to accept the necessary evil of the resulting phase and intermodulation distortion when treating these sounds. When released in 1961, the Klein & Hummel UE-100 Universal Equalizer changed all that.

    This all-tube minimum phase EQ used six discrete filter modules to create a collection of band-pass filters that could create dynamic curves for any application from source mixing to vocal tracking to mastering. While some earlier UE-100s were used to transparently filter out junk low and high frequencies when printing to tape and vinyl, it quickly became commonplace to take advantage of the unique pushbutton frequency selection; this provided an easy way to not only recall settings, but also alter them on the fly while recording a performance. The UE-100 became known for its musically warm curves and precise response, offering a myriad of possibilities for treating frequencies by boosting and/or cutting across the spectrum to shape sounds “like a Pultec on steroids.”

    That tube-powered universal sound and innovative behavior from K&H is now available to you in plugin form. The Lindell TE-100 is an exacting emulation of all the sweet and savory frequency treatment offered by the original hardware EQ. Right down to the pushbuttons on the interface and the all-tube filter bypass, the TE-100 re-creates this piece of German audio history with immaculate realism. Only now, a stereo pair won’t cost you $10,000.

    Hone in on your sound with low and high pass filters at each end of the TE-100, then boost at one of four critical frequencies with rounded or high-Q shelf bands to add body and presence. Create dual parametric band-pass filters in the TE-100’s mid section to quickly bring out the true character of your sound. The pushbutton frequency selectors offer a unique way to shape your frequency response by focusing on each corner frequency of a filter and moving those frequencies closer or further apart while letting your ears guide your mix decision.

    The TE-100 plugin also adds a few useful extra features that help improve workflow in the digital environment: Maintain full control across a variety of mix situations by taking advantage of level calibration, internal oversampling adjustment, and an analog mode that adds additional tone coloration and noise floor taken from the original unit. Dial in precise gain adjustments in 0.5 dB steps, contrasting the 2 dB to 3 dB resolution available through the knobs of the original hardware. With the Lindell TE-100, the legacy of the original Universal Equalizer can be brought to your DAW in a convenient digital form that stays true to the hardware.




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