WAV | 20MB
此鼓包包含100%真实的Pierre bourne sfx和其他酷炫的独特鼓和sfx
(RIP vox,bitch go sfx,qs和ps sfx …)
welcome to the “aevy’s drums are crazy” drumkit
this drumkit contains 100% real pierre bourne sfx and other cool unique drums and sfx
(R.I.P. vox, bitch go sfx, qs and ps sfx…)
all of my recent beats were made with this kit
all sounds you can hear in these beats are in the drumkit
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- 本站所有资源版权均属于原作者所有,这里所提供资源均只能用于参考学习用,请勿直接商用。若由于商用引起版权纠纷,一切责任均由使用者承担。更多说明请参考 VIP介绍。