WAV | 66MB
Billegal Sounds很自豪地在他们的精选“艺术家系列”中展示他们的第11个作品:Stin-Sideways。这个包包含了所有当前流行的声音,以及每吨其他新颖的想法。从神经低音撕裂者到新鲜的foley流行音乐和percs,此套件绝对可以完善您的样本库。
Billegal Sounds is proud to present their 11th entry in their featured “artist series”: Stin – Sideways. This pack encompasses all of the currently trending sounds, plus a metric ton of other new and neato ideas. From neuro bass rippers to fresh foley pops and percs, this pack will absolutely round out your sample library.
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