245MB Tech House电影提供了一组极受欢迎的声音,这些声音仅受到当年最成功的艺术家的启发。Function Loops在Tech House场景中一些最大的发行版中发现了它们的声音,因此您一切都很好。 鼓声循环,低音循环,打击乐循环,顶部循环,合成器循环,Vox循环,Songstarters,一击,您还需要什么?你在这里被覆盖。通过这个新系列让人群大汗淋漓! …… :::::::产品规格:::::: …… Tech House Movies delivers a set of extremely popular sounds inspired only by the most successful artists of the year. Function Loops found their sounds in some of the biggest releases in the Tech House scene, so you are in good hands. Drum Loops, Bass Loops, Percussion Loops, Top Loops, Synth Loops, Vox Loops, Songstarters, One-Shots, what else do you need? You are covered here. Let the crowd sweat it out with this new collection!
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