FANTASTiC | 01 August | 1.43 GB With Pulse, we wanted to sonically capture tension and release in as many ways as possible. Whatever you are trying to evoke in your film or commercial, these sounds are a way to instantly add depth and emphasis to your visual storytelling. What is Included? -510 digitally created sounds and live recordings -7 Distinct categories for seamless workflow -4 Styles within each of the categories 有了Pulse,我们希望以尽可能多的方式声音捕捉张力并释放。无论您想在电影或广告中唤起什么,这些声音都是立即为视觉故事讲述增加深度和重点的一种方法。 包含什么? -510数字创建的声音和现场录音 -WAV和MP3文件格式 -7独特的类别,实现无缝的工作流程 -4每个类别中的样式 |
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