u-he Zebra 2 Presets| 9MB
适用于u-he的Undertow Zebra 2具有140个预制,旨在用于电影底线和深度实验性的大气成分,包括…
27 Atmospheres
5 Leads
40 Pads
17 Plucks
30 Sequences
In 2015, when Undertow was initially released for free or “pay what you want”, there were almost half as many patches, and due to the lack of proper MIDI equipment, there were no assignments for mod wheel, pitch bend or aftertouch, and only a few of them had XY assignments.
Undertow has undergone a complete overhaul. Now EVERYTHING has mod wheel and aftertouch assignments, and all of the pads, atmospheres and sequences have assignments for all four XY controls.
Even though this is technically a re-release, this is “the definitive version” of Undertow, complete with over 50 NEW PATCHES, inventive use of mod wheel, aftertouch, and an exhaustive amount of XY routing with a few hidden surprises you’re sure to enjoy.
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