Mac 10-OSX 11 | AAX | AU | VST3 | 35MB
受到SketchCassette的NR Comp算法的启发,ShapeShifter是一种独一无二的动态重塑器和字符压缩器,可以完全改变声音的形状。ShapeShifter将多频带向上和向下压缩的混合模制到工具箱中,以为声音添加色彩,主体和粗砂。这可以采取任何形式,从微妙的共鸣到吹拂,喧闹的大屠杀。
Inspired by SketchCassette’s NR Comp algorithm, ShapeShifter is a one-of-a-kind dynamics remodeler and character compressor that will completely transform the shape of your sounds. ShapeShifter molds a blend of multi-band upward and downward compression into a toolbox for adding color, body, and grit to your sounds. This can take the form of anything from a subtle vibe boost to blown-open, raucous carnage.
· Upward / Downward compression controlled with a common Ratio
· Transients section with Ratio and Threshold controls, allowing for separate control of downward compression
· Upward compression Floor control for taming room sound or unwanted noise
· Flexible envelope shaping through Attack and Release time controls
· Tone adjustment for broad shifts in color and character
· A wide-ranging Drive control with two models: A (gentle) and B (hard)
· Asymmetry control for attaining harsher, grittier drive textures by way of even-order harmonics
· Dry / Wet mixer for easy parallel processing
· Custom preset system with 64 factory presets, showcasing ShapeShifters versatility
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- 下载时请不要断网或者暂停! 下载好,MAC用keka解压;WiN用winrar解压!网站可以免费下载这个两个压缩工具! 如遇到需要解压密码的文件,密码为www.pluginsbase.com或者yyrlom.taobao.com或者yuyinraoliangom或者yyrlom
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