WAV | 10MB
包含128个Spire Presets,此包真正捕捉了传奇的驾驶渐进声音,这些声音由世界一流的艺术家(如Eric Prydz,Jeremy Olander,Grum和FEHRPLAY)拥护。
这些Spire预设是由Freshly Squeezed Samples的著名音响设计师John Kunkel制作的,并以其在The New Division乐队中的工作而广为人知。这些Spire预设非常适合未来派的渐进式房屋声音,或任何需要复古灵感的“感觉”的流派。
Containing 128 Spire Presets this pack truly captures the legendary driving progressive sound as championed by world class artists such as Eric Prydz, Jeremy Olander, Grum, FEHRPLAY.
Produced by John Kunkel, renowned sound designer from Freshly Squeezed Samples and widely known for his work in the band The New Division, these Spire presets are perfect for the futuristic progressive house sound, or any genre that needs a retro inspired ‘feel’.
Of course, all presets are normalized, rooted, and mod wheel mapped where appropriate, and all are well categorized to make finding the right sound simple and intuitive, just like you’ve come to expect from us.
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