WAV | 141MB
功能环的Tech House凹槽的全新集合在这里!该流派可以提供最先进的声音,且100%免版税。您会发现杀手级的鼓声循环和填充,抽低音,时髦的合成器,Fx循环和稳定的人声为所有这些增添趣味!您还将获得一个很酷的One-Shot示例文件夹,其中包括立即生成自己的图案所需的一切。上班吧
A brand new collection of Tech House grooves from Function Loops is here! Loaded with the most advanced sounds the genre can offer, 100% royalty-free. You will find killer Drum Loops & Fills, pumping Basslines, funky Synths, Fx Loops, and solid Vocals to spice it all up! You are also getting a cool folder of One-Shot samples, including everything needed to produce your own patterns in no time. Let’s get to work?
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