Cubase 11在这里,我们的Steinberg产品专家Matt Loel T. Hepworth也在这本深入的初学者指南中!立即观看此信息丰富的课程,并从头开始学习Cubase!
斯坦伯格广受欢迎的DAW的最新版本比以往任何时候都更好。Steinberg于30多年前首次发布,并且在Cubase的每个新版本中都不断添加新功能和增强功能。在学习如此深入的软件时,可能很难知道从哪里开始,但不要惊慌。我们的内部专家Matthew Loel T. Hepworth在这里向您展示如何通过本分步指南来掌握如何实现这一出色的DAW。
因此,与Cubase大师Matthew Loel T. Hepworth一起加入本初学者指南,学习使用Cubase 11制作音乐所需的一切!
Cubase 11 is here, and so is our Steinberg Product specialist Matt Loel T. Hepworth with this in-depth Beginners Guide! Watch this info-packed course now, and learn Cubase from the ground up!
The latest version of Steinberg’s popular DAW is better than ever. First released more than 30 years ago, Steinberg keeps on adding new features and enhancements with every new version of Cubase. When learning such a deep software, it can be difficult to know where to begin, but don’t panic. Our in house expert Matthew Loel T. Hepworth is here to show you exactly how to master this fantastic DAW with this step-by-step guide.
Matt starts the course by explaining the small, but important, differences between the Mac and Windows version of the program. Next, he explains the important steps you need to follow when installing the software, and he reveals how to set up the software with your audio and MIDI gear. Once the setup is done, you are ready to create a new project. You discover all the different elements of the Cubase interface and you learn to navigate it. You also learn to use the different types of track (Audio, MIDI Instrument, and Sampler tracks), you learn all the essential keyboard shortcuts, how the media tabs work, how to use VST instruments, and a lot more… After completing this course, you will have an excellent understanding of Cubase, and you will be able to use it with confidence.
So join Cubase master Matthew Loel T. Hepworth in this Beginner’s Guide, and learn everything you need to start making music with Cubase 11!
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