对于那些想要一些 U110 声音的人,给你!
U110是一款被低估的小PCM音源。使用与 Roland R8M 鼓模块几乎相同的外壳,这个小宝石也可以使用较大的 U20 和 D70 合成器使用的各种声卡。
此 VST 包含 U110 模块的所有出厂预设。Patch 60-64 是空的“多组”音色库,因此没有什么可从中采样的。如果您想要那些著名的 Prodigy 琴弦,请查看补丁 32!
For those of you who wanted some U110 sounds, here you go!
The U110 is an underestimated little PCM sound module. Using pretty much the same casing as the Roland R8M Drum Module, this little gem can also take the various sound cards that the larger U20 and D70 synthesizers use.
This VST contains all of the factory presets from the U110 module. Patches 60-64 are empty ‘multi-set’ banks so there’s nothing to sample from these. Check out patch 32 if you want those famous Prodigy strings!
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