WAV | 60MB
Mbira 是一种原产于津巴布韦绍纳文化的民族乐器。它们由带有交错金属尖齿的木板组成,通过将乐器握在手中并用拇指拨动尖齿来演奏。该包具有 54 个独特的 Mbira 样本,可用于多种类型。Mbira 通常作为现代音乐中的顶级旋律效果很好,因此我们在创建这些循环中的大部分时都考虑到了这一点。只需在这些循环中添加一些和弦,即可创建您自己的完整旋律。
The Mbira is an instrument native to the Shona culture in Zimbabwe. They consist of a wooden board with attached staggered metal tines, played by holding the instrument in the hands and plucking the tines with the thumbs. This pack features 54 unique Mbira samples that can be used for multiple genres. Mbira’s usually work well as top melodies in modern music so we created majority of these loops with that in mind. Simply add some chords to these loops to create your own full melodies.
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