Studio One Pro Template | 15MB
Tropical World Pro 模板 – 在 Studio One 3 中创建。Pro 模板是一系列 DAW 模板,它基于使用音乐行业中最流行的软件乐器和效果器(例如 Lennar Digital Sylenth1、Native Instruments Massive、Reveal-Sound Spire、Izotope Ozone 5、Nicky Romero Kickstart、FabFilter 插件),用于您最喜欢的 DAW(Apple Logic X、9、Ableton Live、Steinberg Cubase、Bitwig Studio、Presonus Studio One、Avid ProTools)。
Tropical World Pro Template – Created in Studio One 3. Pro Template is a series of DAW templates which is based on a using the most popular software instruments and effects in the musical industry (for example Lennar Digital Sylenth1, Native Instruments Massive, Reveal-Sound Spire, Izotope Ozone 5, Nicky Romero Kickstart, FabFilter plugins) and are made for using in your favorite DAW (Apple Logic X, 9, Ableton Live, Steinberg Cubase, Bitwig Studio, Presonus Studio One, Avid ProTools).
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