弦乐合成器插件 GForce Virtual String Machine v3.0.0 [WiN+MAC] 暂无演示

弦乐合成器插件 GForce Virtual String Machine v3.0.0 [WiN+MAC]

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
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    版本 | v3.0.0
    Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 39.2MB
    Mac10.15-13.X | AU | VST | VST3 | 80MB
    Library音色 | 10.9GB

    VSM Version 3
    就像在重新发现梅洛创音中起很大作用一样,在2007年,我们在复活了一系列标志性弦乐机器的音调方面也起了类似的作用,包括Freeman String Symphonizer,Eminent 310和Solina String Ensemble ,并随着VSM的发布而重新流行起来。在2014年,增加了VSM扩展包,进一步扩大了可用乐器和音色的范围,从而帮助确认VSM是该出色乐器系列的首选乐器。

    当《 Sound On Sound》杂志之类的唱片受到VSM的赞誉(“听起来绝对很棒”。)时,我们感到它缺少一些在我们最喜欢的弦乐合奏中发现的至关重要的组成部分,即立体声播放。


    VSM 3.0版通过提供一系列以前未发行的,精心制作的立体声集的立体声播放,两种设计中的两个新接口尺寸以及一个额外的LFO目的地来纠正此异常。

    现代的复音弦乐合成器是由英国键盘手和工程师Ken Freeman于1970年发明的,他发现,如果您将音符与本身的另一个失谐且经过稍微调制的版本叠加在一起,则会产生令人愉悦的“合唱”声音。


    VSM是一种直观但功能强大的虚拟弦乐器,它可以为用户提供这种乐器类型的许多声音,并包含一小堆经典而稀有的弦乐器发出的声音。从首批商业弦乐合奏(Eminent 310和Freeman弦乐交响器)到备受赞誉的Solina,Elka Rhapsody,Logan String Melody,Korg PE2000等。

    In much the same way that we played a big part in the rediscovery of the mellotron sound, in 2007 we had a similar role in resurrecting the tones of a range of iconic string machines, including the Freeman String Symphonizer, Eminent 310 and Solina String Ensemble, and bringing them back into vogue with release of VSM. In 2014 the addition of the VSM Expansion Pack further expanded the range of available instruments and tones helping confirm VSM as the go-to instrument for this wonderful family of instruments.

    While the likes of Sound On Sound magazine were signing the praises of VSM (“It sounds absolutely gorgeous.”) we felt it lacked one crucial component found on some of our favourite string ensembles, that being stereo playback.

    Instruments such as the Solina String Ensemble and Roland’s wonderful 505 offered stereo outputs allowing their sublime, moving ensemble textures to sit perfectly within a wide stereo field. This one feature set such instruments apart highlighting just how stunning these, now ancient, analogue machines could sound.

    VSM Version 3.0 rectifies this anomaly by providing stereo playback of a range of previously unreleased, carefully crafted stereo sounds-sets, two new interfaces sizes in two designs along with an additional LFO destination.

    The modern, polyphonic string synthesizer was invented in 1970 by Ken Freeman, a British keyboard player and engineer who discovered that if you layered a note with another detuned and slightly modulated version of itself, a pleasant ‘chorused’ sound resulted.

    Even though Ken’s invention wasn’t the first instrument of this genre to be commercially released (That honor fell to the Eminent organ company with their 310 Unique organ) there’s little doubt that Ken’s vision contributed immeasurably to electronic music over the next few decades in the guise of over 100+ different models that followed from a huge variety of manufacturers.

    The VSM is an intuitive but highly powerful Virtual String Machine which affords the user many of the sounds from this genre of instrument, and contains a wealth of sounds from a small mountain of classic and rare string machines. These range from the first commercial string ensembles (Eminent 310 & Freeman String Symphonizer) through to the highly lauded Solina, Elka Rhapsody, Logan String Melody, Korg PE2000 and many more.

    With the sheer amount of instruments captured within the VSM, it’s simplicity itself to recreate those golden string machine tones from yesteryear. However, with the VSM’s comprehensive, yet intuitive feature-set, plus a two-layer option it’s now possible to create your own hybrid instruments taking these sublime vintage tones into hitherto unchartered territory.


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