WAV | 186.9MB
Concept Samples 的“Ethnic Vocal Vol 3”是该系列产品的延续,并提供了一系列供您使用的民族声乐样本。这些人声由来自著名民俗合奏团的专业歌手录制,使它们成为您制作工作流程的重要补充。如果您希望为您的曲目添加独特的风味,那么这些民族声乐正适合您。
‘Ethnic Vocal Vol 3’ by Concept Samples is the continuation of this series of products and delivers a collection of ethnic Vocal samples at your disposal. These Vocals were recorded by a professional vocalist from a famous Folklore ensemble, making them an essential addition to your production workflow. If you are looking to add unique flavour to your tracks, then these ethnic Vocals are for you.
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