Cinesamples 很荣幸推出 Create 系列。一组小型但原始记录的乐器,可为您的音乐增添色彩和深度。我们希望 Create Series 的免费乐器能激发新歌和新想法,并让您不必每次都需要从工作室周围的小玩具中获取旋律来设置会话。没有更多的设置,只是玩。适用于Kontakt 6.7.1+
Cinesamples is proud to present the Create Series. A collection of small, yet pristinely recorded, instruments for adding color and depth to your music. We hope that the Create Series of free instruments inspires new songs, fresh ideas and saves you from setting up a session every time you need a melody from that little toy laying around the studio. No more setup, just PLAY.
Works with the Kontakt 6.7.1+
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