WAV | 584.8MB
Kirtan 是世界上受尊敬的意识改变音乐形式之一,引发了一种团结、幸福和永恒的感觉。现代 Kirtan 将传统东印度乐器的神秘主义与美国福音的虔诚和摇滚乐队的强大能量结合在一起。
此样本包具有:手风琴、大提琴、Ektar、Bansuri 长笛、Lap Steel、曼陀林、Tabla、Tambura、Santoor、Sarod 和小提琴 Dave Stringer 是格莱美提名的制作人、音乐家和词曲作者,他被广泛认为是最有影响力的音乐人之一现代瑜伽运动的创新艺术家。
Kirtan is one of the world’s most venerable forms of consciousness-altering music, eliciting a sense of unity, well-being and timelessness. Modern Kirtan marries the mysticism of traditional East Indian instruments with the devotional intensity of American Gospel and the potent energy of a rock band.
This Sample Pack features: Accordion, Cello, Ektar, Bansuri Flute, Lap Steel, Mandolin, Tabla, Tambura, Santoor, Sarod & Violin Dave Stringer is a Grammy-nominated producer, musician and songwriter who has been widely profiled as one of the most innovative artists of the modern Yoga movement.
He’s both an inspiring singer and a compelling public speaker, resolving neuroscience, yoga philosophy and art into a participatory theatrical experience. Dave is featured in the documentary films Mantra: Sounds Into Silence and The Power of Mantra and has toured extensively, leading concerts, workshops and retreats all over the world. Website: DaveStringer.com
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