电子提琴采样包 Sonic Collective Electroacoustic Viola WAV 音色
WAV | 292MB
简介 玛莎-穆克(Martha Mooke)是雅马哈首屈一指的电子提琴演奏家,也是 Eventide 的首位驻场艺术家、 Barbra Streisand、Patti Smith、Laurie Anderson、David Byrne、Iggy Pop、Moby、Lou Reed、Trey Anastasio、Ziggy Marley、Peter Gabriel、Enya、Michael Stipe、Andrea Bocelli、Luciano Pavarotti、Tony Bennett、Al DiMeola、John Cale、Anthony Braxton、Orchestra of St. 卢克管弦乐团等。没有人能创造出像它们这样的弦乐音色,现在它们可以为您的作品带来自然而空灵的质感。
Sonic Collective Electroacoustic Viola WAV
Description: Martha Mooke, electric violist extraordinaire, Yamaha’s premiere electric string artist and Eventide’s first Artist in Residence, offers a sampling of her unique string sounds heard on albums and performances with David Bowie, Philip Glass, Barbra Streisand, Patti Smith, Laurie Anderson, David Byrne, Iggy Pop, Moby, Lou Reed, Trey Anastasio, Ziggy Marley, Peter Gabriel, Enya, Michael Stipe, Andrea Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti, Tony Bennett, Al DiMeola, John Cale, Anthony Braxton, the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, and more. No one else creates string tones like these, and now they are available to bring a natural yet ethereal texture to your productions.\
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