非洲打击乐采样包 Sonic Collective Sounds of Mauritius WAV 音色
WAV | 311MB
简介 毛里求斯距非洲东海岸 1200 英里,被誉为印度洋马斯克林群岛上的一颗明珠。毛里求斯的音乐源于非洲-马拉加西(Afro-Malagassy)舞蹈和音乐传统,这些舞蹈和音乐来自 1600 年代被带到这里的奴隶,以令人陶醉的三连音为基调。这种风格以前被称为 Tschiéga,如今被广泛称为 Sega。塞加音乐使用拉万(山羊皮鼓)、马拉万(甘蔗笛/摇铃)和三角铁等打击乐器演奏,通常是即兴表演,由歌手或歌手组合演唱,表达了最初被奴役的人民所遭受的苦难。
Samule Debois 演奏了三种拉万琴(两种山羊皮琴和一种合成琴)以及杰里肯琴。
蒂-庞克(Ti Punk)演奏马拉万(Maravan)和罕见的肉豆蔻(Pistache)。
Kurwin Castel 演奏三角铁、Bobbre 和 Serpe。
埃尔维斯-赫罗索(Elvis Heroseau)演奏键琴。
Ophely Sauteur、Jason Heerah 和传奇人物 Clarel Armelle 担任主唱。
这些音乐在卡普里科恩工作室录制,使用了多种麦克风技术。近距离麦克风由 BeyerDynamic M160 带状麦克风和 Shure SM57 动态麦克风负责。Townsend Sphere 话筒负责远距离录音,并使用了一系列模拟器。前端采用 Neve 1073 型前置放大器,为 Antelope Orion A/D 高端转换器供电。
Sonic Collective Sounds of Mauritius WAV
Description: Considered the jewel of the Indian Ocean’s Mascarene Islands, Mauritius is located 1200 Miles off the East Coast of Africa. The music of Mauritius has roots in Afro-Malagassy dance and music traditions from the slaves brought there in the 1600’s and features an intoxicating triplet-based groove. This style was formerly known as Tschiéga, today widely known as Sega. Performed with percussion instruments such as the Ravan (goat skin drum), the Maravanne (sugar cane idiophone/shaker) and triangle, Sega is often improvise
d and features singers or groups of singers expressing the tribulations of a subjugated, initially enslaved population.
This pack contains handmade rare Mauritian percussion instruments never recorded as samples before. All instruments are played by talented local musicians who benefitted directly from the creation of the pack, which also contains traditional Sega chanting performed by legends of the style. Besides containing rare sounds and the unique Mauritian Sega groove, this pack conserves traditional instruments that are fading into obscurity.
Samule Debois played three types of Ravan’s, two goat skin and one synthetic, as well as the Gerican.
Ti Punk played the Maravan and the rare Pistache.
Kurwin Castel played the triangle, Bobbre and Serpe.
Elvis Heroseau played keys.
Ophely Sauteur, Jason Heerah and the legendary Clarel Armelle on vocals.
Recorded at Studio Kapricorn, these sounds where tracked by using multiple microphone techniques. Close miking was taken care by BeyerDynamic M160 ribbon mics and Shure SM57 dynamics. Townsend Sphere mic took care of the far miking with an array of emulators used. Neve 1073 style preamps were adopted as front end feeding Antelope Orion A/D high end converters.
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