我们价格适中的轻巧乐器系列中的最新产品,可直接使用,并且可以通过您对我们产品的期望而熟悉的易于使用的GUI设计轻松进行调整。在Kontakt 5的完整版本中运行。
-需要Kontakt 5.3或更高版本。
The original instrument has some natural tuning deviations due to its age. Although this adds a certain charm and authenticity, we know everyone’s tastes are different, so after sampling the instrument we painstakingly optimised the tuning note-by-note. To restore some of these natural tuning deviations, we added the ‘broken tuning’ dial, which allows you to choose how in-tune the instrument sounds. Set it to 0 for a modern/pristine sound for upbeat children’s music, or all the way up to 100 for your creepy Halloween scores.
To further enhance the authenticity and realism of the instrument, we captured the mechanical sounds of the keys being released. These can be dialled in using the ‘Key Clicks’ control.
We’ve once again included an ‘atmosphere layer’, specifically designed for this instrument, which can be blended with the raw Toy Piano to create an eerie ambience. The mod wheel gives you control over the intensity of the layer, allowing you to ride the dynamics and add additional expression. By popular request, we have added the option to solo the atmosphere layer, so you can use it as a pad in isolation, or blend it with other instruments.
– Traditional upright toy piano.
– Deep sampled with up to 8 round-robins and release samples.
– 3-octave playable range (extended from the 2-octave range of the original instrument).
– Adjustable ‘atmosphere’ sound design layer.
– Simple and user-friendly interface.
– 150MB download size (NCW compressed from a 300MB sample pool).
– Requires the full version of Kontakt 5.3 or above.
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